Bring Attention to Your Favorite Night Blooms with Outdoor Lighting

If you are a gardener who loves a mixture of day and night blooms, and nobody even gets to see the glorious florals at night, we have the solution for you. Adding some amazing outdoor lighting will bring the necessary attention to your nocturnal flowers. Creating a garden that offers both day and night blooms can boost your curb appeal, especially if highlighted properly.

Choosing the Best Night Blooms for Your Garden

There are many different night blooms to choose from, while some plants only bloom during the day. How cool would that be to have a beautiful display of day blooms next to your night blooms that show off your hard work, both day and night? There are many evening blooming flowers to choose from, including the moonflower, impatiens, sweet alyssum, and heuchera, to name a few. Now, let’s get those beauties all lit up.

The Best Outdoor Lighting for your Wilmington Night Blooms


There are many different choices of lighting to show off your beautiful night blooms. The option that fits best would be landscape garden lighting. The LED path lights can subtly illuminate all of the beautiful colors in your garden, even if they only pop out at night. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington can create a custom landscape lighting design just for you that will show off, just exactly what you want people to see.

Get Your Garden Glowing with Outdoor Lighting

Are you ready for everyone to see all the hard work you have put into your garden? Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington is excited to see the transformation. We will show off your gorgeous flowers and the beautiful landscaping that makes your garden perfect. Our team can customize a design for you, with the best landscape lighting available to add to the excellence of your garden. Contact us online or call us today to get started.