Commercial Outdoor String Lights Are for Every Outdoor Entertaining Space, Personal or Public

Commercial Outdoor String Lights Professionally Installed By Wilmington’s Best Outdoor Lighting CompanyWe are half a dozen years into the growing love for commercial outdoor string lights. With a little help from some stay-at-home orders creating a surge in home improvement projects, the lights are more popular than ever before. Homeowners and business owners alike are now well aware of the value these lights can bring to their lives and business. They also understand that professional installation and commercial-grade lights are vital for durability and aesthetics.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’ve considered them, read on – and be sure to click the various links so you can know all you need to know about commercial festive string lights.

Commercial Outdoor String Lights – Everything You Need to Know

DIY or Hire the Pros?

Well, you could hang outdoor string lights yourself. Plenty of people have done so. However, you’d be missing a few essential ingredients that you can only get from outdoor lighting professionals.

  1. Custom length string lights. (otherwise, you end up with extra, or not quite enough, and it just won’t look great.)
  2. Big box string lights definitely don’t last very long. A year, two at best is all you’ll get out of them, and then you’ll have to go through the entire process again. Ours come with a warranty – so you know they’ll last.
  3. Commercial Outdoor String Lights Professionally Installed By Wilmington’s Best Outdoor Lighting CompanyProfessional quality installation means magazine-ready results. Our pros know exactly how to design your light installation to look amazing in your space. With varying techniques like fanning, crisscross, and guide wires – a DIY job just won’t be the same.
  4. Professional electrical connections mean you won’t be looking at unsightly extension cords and wires poking out of random places.
  5. Functional expertise means we include dimmers with every installation, so you don’t have to deal with a one-brightness-fits-all-occasions situation.

Outdoor String Lights for Businesses

Being in a coastal area means there is a HUGE opportunity for attracting tourists who want nothing more than to be outdoors. After all, they are at the beach. They don’t want to go indoors for dinner and drinks. Keep it outside. Entice them to choose your establishment when you have the most attractive and fun outdoor dining space, thanks to professionally installed commercial outdoor string lights.

Commercial Outdoor String Light Installers in Wilmington NC

Don’t mess with how to anchor string lights to your house, or mount a post, cutting wires, hiding electrical cords. Let our lighting experts handle your outdoor string lights with just one simple phone call. You’ll get the best lights, the most beautiful installation, and you’ll avoid a weekend or week-long headache of trying to do it yourself for less than satisfactory results. Call our team today to schedule your design consultation. We look forward to working with you.