Do Landscape Lights Deter Deer and Other Wildlife from My Property?

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington, we are dedicated to the customized approach we take with every landscape lighting client. Whatever is important to you, for your property is vital to our design. If the surrounding wildlife loves to venture through your yard, and enjoying those visits are important to you – we can help! Landscape lights do NOT deter deer or any other wildlife. In fact, the subtle lighting affects we can create for you will help you enjoy the site of those shy visitors who like to arrive at sunset or after.

A Deer in Headlights

It might seem counterintuitive from a nature vs. humans standpoint. But, deer don’t avoid light. The old adage, “a deer in headlights” – come directly from the frozen, and stunned stare that happens when a deer in the road is approached by an oncoming vehicle.

The bad news, our landscape lights are not so bright that visiting deer will be stunned into a frozen position.

Deter deerThe good news, our landscape lights are not so bright that deer, birds, squirrels, foxes and other majestic critters will be deterred.

Customized Landscape Lighting for Your Feeding Stations

If you love the local wildlife, you may have feeding stations for your favorite animals. Why not add light so you can see who visits after dark?

Our team can create a customized lighting design to make sure your feeding station is visible from the house for your enjoyment.

Uplighting on a bird feeder may help you get a good look at those early morning visitors. It can also help you figure out who the culprit may be who is emptying your seed every night. Maybe a wily squirrel or speedy chipmunk?

Downlighting on the trees along the wood line could offer a lovely view of the deer coming in at sunset. If you have a feed station attached to a tree we can make sure the light is angled just right for maximum viewing.

Turtle-Friendly Landscape Lighting

If you’re on the beach, don’t forget, dark-sky compliant lighting is best to avoid attracting the turtles away from the water. Read the full story to learn how our team can ensure your landscape lighting is turtle-friendly.

We’d love to help you increase the visibility of your daily wildlife visitors. Call our team today to schedule your free nighttime landscape lighting demonstration. We look forward to working with you.