Can you Replace Halogen Landscape Lights with LED?

If you’ve long enjoyed the benefits of a landscape lighting system, you may find yourself feeling envious of new systems. Adopting the latest technology for items like cell phones and TVs is commonplace enough, but when it comes to larger home systems it might feel daunting. Fret no more. If you’re eager to have LED landscape lights but currently have Halogen, we can help.

Can I Replace Halogen Landscape Lights with LED?

Can You Replace Halogen Landscape Lights with LED? | Wilmington LED Landscape Lighting CompanyThe short answer is, most likely, yes. However, the long answer is a little bit more complicated than that.

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington, we work on both LED landscape lighting systems and Halogen. Many of our Halogen clients ask about converting to LED. We can help most clients upgrade to LED, but we need to look at your existing Halogen system first, to know what that will take.

Most landscape light fixtures can be upgraded to LED, allowing you to keep the same fixture and lighting design but with improved efficiency and longer lasting lamps.

On occasion we run into landscape light fixtures, which for a variety of reasons must be replaced for LED to work. However, with our free consultation, you can count on our team to let you know before you make a final decision.

LED Conversions and Upgrades

Updating your system to LED landscape lighting offers a myriad of benefits. While you may be thinking about lowering your electric bill and being more environmentally friendly with lamps that use 80% less energy, you can also enjoy:

  1. Adding more lights without additional transformers.
  2. Longer lasting bulbs (about 10x) that rarely need replacing.
  3. Beautiful RGB LED color-changing options.
  4. LED lights don’t get as hot as Halogen. (Avoid those accidental mulch fires)
  5. Don’t just keep up with the Jones, be the Jones.

All kidding aside, converting to LED is a great way to lower your monthly utility bills and still enjoy the benefits of a beautifully illuminated home, landscape, and property.

If you’re curious about replacing Halogen landscape lights with LED, call our team today. We’ll be happy to schedule a consultation, inspect your system and provide you with a no-obligation estimate.

Check out Save Green By Being Green and LED vs. Halogen for even more details about replacing Halogen landscape lights with LED landscape lights.