Wilmington Outdoor Lighting for Pet Safety

Wilmington Outdoor Lighting Safeguards Your Beloved Pets While They Enjoy Exercise and Fresh Air

Dog in yardCustomized landscape lighting design and installation is our pride and joy. We take great pleasure in beautifying our clients’ businesses, homes, and properties for better function and enjoyment at night. Few projects bring as much excitement as illuminating a backyard for the safety and protection of a beloved furry family member.

Wilmington Outdoor Lighting for Pets

Whether you’re a dog person or a cat lover, if your pets spend time outdoors, you want to be able to see them when they are exploring the yard after dark. We offer a variety of outdoor pet lighting solutions, customized to your property and specifications, that will do just that. Common types of lighting for pet owners include:

Low-voltage motion sensor

Motion sensor lighting has a long history of a love/hate relationship with homeowners. On one hand, it is nice to know when there is unexpected movement on your property. On the other hand, it is not nearly as fun to be startled with a blinding floodlight every time a leaf blows in front of the sensor or, worse yet, your neighbors’ motion sensor.

We offer low-voltage motion sensor lighting that is perfect for landscape lighting for a home with pets. Imagine, not only will you be able to see your pet roaming the yard, but you won’t even have to flip a switch. The motions sensor will illuminate the lights where your dog or cat is active, which also helps you locate them quickly in a large yard. Low-voltage motion sensor lights can be hard to find, but we have them! Contact us today to learn more.

upscale backyard with pool and outdoor lightsFence lighting

Illuminating the perimeter of your pets’ fenced-in-space is a lovely way to provide subtle lighting keeping your dog or cat safe. We often use half-dome deck lighting on fence posts or under-mounted lighting near the top railing. The lights offer peace-of-mind for you and added visibility for them.

Pet-lovers also love a variety of other lighting effects, including:

  • Stair lighting for safe climbing (especially for our senior pets.)
  • Pool lights to avoid accidents and to spot those swimming pets fast if they decide to jump in unexpectedly.
  • Deck lighting for an easily accessible entrance and exit from the house.
  • Patio lighting to guide the way to your pet’s favorite grassy areas.

If your pet likes to wander slowly around the yard, has diminishing eyesight, any health problems, or you just plain have to be able to see where he or she is at all times, you could use outdoor pet lighting. Call our team today to start with a design consultation. We look forward to working with you.