Upgrade your holiday lighting with color-changing lights for year-round illumination

Holiday lighting is important to plan well in advance, so all the products can be ordered, and our professionals can be available for installation whenever you desire. Our new lighting system from Haven Lighting offers RGB color-changing LED lights. These lights include an easy smartphone application to control them.

Christmas lighting has a stereotype that it is only seasonal. However, these lights are great for year-round landscape appeal. You just use the application on your phone to change the colors whenever you feel comfortable doing so. The app also doesn’t only allow you to change the colors, but times can also be set in advance for when the lights are on and off. A common color change after the holiday season is white lighting for year-round purposes or maybe your favorite team colors during football or basketball season.

holiday lighting on home

Professional holiday lighting installation

Spreading holiday cheer does not always have to mean going door to door singing Christmas carols. With Outdoor Lighting Perspective’s professional holiday lighting, your home can scream “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” from an innovative approach. While it takes up tons of time to put up your own lights that may not even last long, our professional installation will guarantee lasting light, so you can enjoy the entire holiday season.

We will design and install the entire project for you. If you choose traditional holiday lights, we’ll even take them down and store them for you after the holidays!

Our Christmas products

Aside from the new Haven Lighting RGB color-changing LED lights, we have a variety of products as well. We have C9 roofline string lights, wreaths, garland, yard or tree displays, mini-lights, and commercial lighting.

Our C9 string lighting is durable to withstand weather elements. Wreaths and garland are pre-lit which creates a holiday environment all around the house, both day and night. Yard and tree displays give your landscape an animated look. And commercial lighting is great for entrance greeting and invoking that generous holiday spirit.

If you are interested in Christmas lighting that can last year-round, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington for a consultation.