Say Goodbye to Motion Sensors: Wilmington Security Lighting You Will Adore

Floodlights are blinding and boring. We offer subtle security lighting options to transform your home into a nighttime masterpiece that happens to also be safe and secure.

Landscape LightingHave you been thinking about home security lately? There are more options than ever before for DIY and professional security systems. From doorbell cameras to big-time security companies, comparing and deciding can be a daunting task.

Most homeowners start with lighting when it comes to improving security and gaining peace-of-mind. Many go straight to the floodlights and motion sensor lights. While you know it is necessary, the last thing you want is to recreate daylight at your home each night.

You might be surprised to learn, bright, glaring floodlights are absolutely NOT necessary.

With an increase in options for professional outdoor lighting systems, you can add security lighting to your property that looks beautiful, decorative, and adds curb appeal while accomplishing the mundane task of adding security.

Subtle Security Lighting

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington, outdoor lighting is ALL we do. Our years of experience and lighting expertise makes us the perfect choice for designing and installing your outdoor lighting system. We’ll customize your lights to meet your security goals while enhancing the beauty of your home and property at night.

How do we do it? With a combination of a few different lighting types, we can secure your entire property.

Exterior Home Lighting Shines a Light on Your Entryways

Exterior House LightingYour home is ground zero for what you want to protect from would-be criminals. Your most precious family members are inside, trusting that they are safe from harm. Many of your most prized possessions also reside inside your home and they can absolutely be the target of a crime of opportunity.

To deter criminals from your home we will illuminate it near all points of possible entry with exterior home lighting. Wall wash lighting near windows and doors gives a prowler no options for sneaking in under the cover of darkness. When approaching your home at night, you’ll see stunning curb appeal, but opportunistic criminals will see Fort Knox. No way are they trying to break in there. Too much exposure.

Landscape Lighting Pushes Away the Dark

Your entire property can provide an opportunity for criminals to hide and eventually gain access to your valuables. We don’t just light your home, but we deter potential hiding places around the entire property.

Starting with your property’s perimeter, we add subtle accent lighting to act as a guide for where your property ends and begins. These lights deter potential bad guys from ever stepping foot on your land.

As we move closer to the house, we ad focal points on trees and other distinct landscape features. Then we pay special attention to dark corners around the sides and back of your home where shadows usually creep up and provide cover. With inconspicuous landscape lighting all around, there will be nowhere to hide.

If you’d like to add a bit of security to your property without the process of dealing with large security companies, punching in security codes, and making everyone in the house feel like they are being watched, consider outdoor lighting for the most beautiful security lighting possible. Call today for a free nighttime demonstration at your home. (910) 356-8203