What is Landscape Lighting to You? Outdoor Lighting Terminology Explained


To the everyday homeowner, the word “landscape lighting” often means something different than it does to us in the outdoor lighting profession. Landscape lighting: “the use of outdoor illumination of private gardens and public landscapes; for the enhancement and purposes of safety, nighttime aesthetics, accessibility, security, recreation and sports, and social and event uses.” (Wikipedia) Many homeowners lump all of their outdoor lighting under the “landscape lighting” moniker.

What most homeowners call “landscape lighting,” we call “outdoor lighting.” To you, it likely means any type of lighting around the outside of your home, including lights shining on the house, the deck, a pool, a driveway, the porch, trees, and foliage.

To us, “landscape lighting” is any lighting used to illuminate your landscaping. This includes lights shining on flowers, trees, shrubbery, or even in your lawn. We might use more specific names under the landscape lighting header such as tree lighting, garden lighting and so on. Often path lighting can be included in this because we usually place path lights in the landscape near the sidewalk that needs illumination. So you see, it is more about the target of the light and less about the light itself.
Lighting that shines up on your home or buildings is considered “architectural” or “exterior home lighting” by us.

And lighting that illuminates your deck, pool, dock, patio or other outdoor living space is referred to by us using the name of the item it illuminates: deck lighting, pool lighting, dock lighting, patio lighting, etc.

Wilmington Landscape Lighting Experts

We realize we are splitting hairs with industry lingo. We are not sharing because we expect you to know it, but for the few who are curious, we are simply clarifying. We most often install outdoor lighting systems that are a combination of all those types of lights. And no matter what you call them when we work closely with you on your custom lighting design, all the details will be quite clear before anything is finalized.

When you’re ready to add landscape lighting at your home or business, give us a call. We offer free nighttime demonstrations, custom designs, and meticulous installation. (910) 356-8203