Historical Home Renovations in Wilmington NC Include Spectacular Outdoor Lighting

The Captain John Harper House sits beautifully on the hilltop filling an entire block between South Front and South 2nd Streets in downtown Wilmington, NC. Built in 1903, its historical charm and neoclassic revival style command your attention when you walk or ride down South Front Street on your way into town. Known as the crown jewel of downtown Wilmington, it was featured in the Azalea Festival Home Tour in spring after years of historical renovations were complete.

Modern Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Have to Look Modern

Path LightsTo put the finishing touches on the Captain John Harper House, the homeowner called us to add LED outdoor lighting so that Wilmington visitors could enjoy its splendor as well at night as during the day. With just the right landscape and lamp posts we were able to let this crown jewel be a vision to behold all day and all night.

Outdoor Lighting for Historic Homes

Historical outdoor lighting design is not your average outdoor lighting design job. With the Historic Wilmington Foundation having oversight over all of Wilmington’s historic property renovations, we had to follow strict guidelines with fixture placement and lighting effects. For instance, illuminating the Doric columns that frame out the Queen Anne porch would be a lighting technique we would love to employ, but to meet the historical society’s guidelines we had to position subtle lighting techniques closer to what would have been true in the early 20th century. That being said, our high-quality oxidized copper lights are perfect for historical homes as they can blend seamlessly into the landscape. Can you see the light hidden in the landscape to the right?

Path Lighting & Landscape Lighting for Historical Homes

Historical MarkerWith 46 LED path lights and focal lights, we were able to illuminate the perfectly groomed and abundant landscape that surrounds the Captain John Harper House. In the tiered front yard, we were able to nestle focal lights below the dazzling Crepe Myrtles for a framing effect around the entrance to the homes gated yard. We strategically placed oxidized copper path lights to guide visitors from the gate to the Queen Anne porch, continuing around the narrow pathways that lead around back to the gorgeous garden and driveway. By up lighting the fountain in the garden it becomes a focal point at night, while our path lights do the job of illuminating the driveway from atop the retaining wall. Not only does our lighting create a gorgeous site for tourists and visitors, but they create nighttime visibility for the homeowner and his guests.

Unique Lighting Fixtures

Wilmington historical home renovations take a special touch. For the Captain John Harper House, we secured two gorgeous lamp posts that fit the history of the home beautifully. With one placed at the Front Street entrance to hold the Historic Foundation sign and another tucked in the lush landscaping on the 2nd Street side of the home, the magnificence of this remarkable house will be enjoyed day and night for many years to come.

If you’re in the midst of or about to tackle a Historical Wilmington home renovation project, call us, we’ll customize your outdoor lighting system to match the Historical Society guidelines while still looking gorgeous and achieving your desired function. Call today (910) 356-8203