For the Love of Christmas, Choose Professional Holiday Lighting Service

Do you love Christmas? Is a well-decorated home one of the most important pieces to enjoying the season? But each and every year the task becomes more challenging to fit in your busy schedule? (Taking some of the joy out of your favorite time of year?)

Asheville Christmas Lighting Service

Relax this year with professional Christmas lighting service. We will handle all your needs for your outdoor Christmas lighting and decorations – making your house the envy of the neighborhood while taking the stress off your plate.

When you use us you get professional design and installation for a designer look, you get during season maintenance (should a bulb go out, we handle it), you get lights that are all the same color (big box lights often don’t match from string to string,) and you get take-down and storage when the season is over!

How’s that for turn-key Asheville Christmas lighting service?

Professionally Designed Christmas Lighting

You chose us because you don’t have the time to get it done. But what about the design?

Choosing a professional holiday lighting company means you’ll get the best Christmas lighting design and installation. Have you ever imagined a scene out of It’s a Wonderful Life, but when you get done putting up your lights and stand back it is far from what you envisioned?

Our expert lighting team can create your precise vision. We can do subtle and posh, we can do traditional rooflines and trees, and we can take it over the top, Clark Griswold style. Whatever your ambition for your outdoor Christmas décor, we can make it a reality!

Roofline lights will be even and straight with no drooping.

Tree lighting will be balanced and lovely.

Columns, shrubbery, and other focal features will stand out just the way you want.

Best of all, we will climb the ladders. You won’t have to untangle, check bulbs, or risk your neck on a ladder all day.

Put the joy back into your favorite holiday this year! If you’re ready for the most beautifully decorated home on the block this holiday season, give us a call now. We typically are booked for the year by Halloween, so now is the time to get going! (864) 475-9200