Fall Colors All Night Long with Asheville Landscape Lighting

October is one of the best months of the year in Asheville. With the fall colors in the NC Mountains peaking all month long the scenery just can’t be beat. When it comes to enjoying the fall transition at your home, the addition of outdoor lighting can extend the time in which you get to enjoy your colorful property. Add tree lighting and landscape lighting to illuminate the beautiful fall colors and don’t forget to add deck lighting to give you a lovely spot to soak it all in.

Tree Lighting Asheville

When it comes to illuminating fall’s golden yellows and brilliant oranges nothing does it better than tree lighting. With several options for a variety of effects, every gorgeous changing tree can be seen after dark. With down lights added to the upper canopy of your large Maple trees we can highlight the gorgeous colors in the lower branches while casting a gorgeous ambient glow and dancing custom shadows on the ground below. For smaller ornamental trees a perfectly adjusted uplight will cast a wide light across the tree’s colorful canopy from the ground below for a magical focal point.

Fall trees in a valley

Landscape Lighting Asheville

With brilliant new colors erupting in your garden in October, landscape lighting can increase the time each day in which you can enjoy the lovely sights. By gently illuminating your gorgeous fall landscape with a soft glow, we create a magical autumn retreat for you and your family. With classic mums and pansies in full bloom we’ll use landscape lighting to make sure you get to enjoy them even as the days get shorter and shorter. With soft points of light throughout your yard you’ll get to take in the brilliant reds, deep oranges, and mustard yellows of all your fall foliage.

Fall trees in front of white house

Deck Lighting Asheville

Your favorite thing to do as soon as the summer heat breaks is to get out the pumpkins, gourds and corn stalks to dress your deck, front porch and landscape with fall décor. The beautiful rich colors of your fall decorations are the mark of the beginning of a cooler season. The beginning of a season full of holidays, hot chocolate and curling up by the fire. With the addition of deck lighting and landscape lighting we can highlight your seasonal décor for a warm welcoming effect that makes the fall come alive with color and life. Don’t let your perfectly design fall outdoor decorations go unseen under the cover of darkness, illuminate them and show them off all season long.


Fall’s colorful season is phenomenal and fleeting – get the most enjoyment out of this colorful time with Asheville outdoor lighting. To learn more about illuminating your fall colors in the North Carolina Mountains call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Western NC at (864) 475-9200 or email us at olpgreenville@outdoorlights.com