Beautiful & Secure: Stunning Asheville Security Lighting

Stop intruders in their tracks with beautiful outdoor lighting. Making your home a gorgeous site with fantastic curb appeal may be the first thought in adding outdoor lighting, but some of the best benefits of well-designed outdoor lighting are the practical ones. When we illuminate your gorgeous Asheville home, we are adding security along with the beauty. Asheville security lighting doesn’t have to be massive flood lights or blinding motion sensor lights. Security lighting can be gorgeous architectural lighting and stunning landscape lighting. Outdoor lighting creates a deterrent to would-be prowlers who don’t want to be seen. The illuminated property gives burglars nowhere to hide. Making your home look occupied even when it is not.

By illuminating your home, you can deter many would-be intruders. Home break-ins are mostly about burglary. These burglars are looking for empty homes they can get in and out of unseen. Our beautiful outdoor lighting acts as security lighting in lowering your home’s risk as a potential target. Elegant architectural lighting around your windows effectively excludes them from being a good entry point.

Without darkness surrounding your home, there is nowhere for a potential criminal to hide. Asheville outdoor lighting provides a gorgeously illuminated home and property, making it difficult for intruders to enter unseen.

Burglars are not looking for a confrontation. A dark empty house is a perfect target for an undetected break-in. Intruders want to slip in, search for valuables, and slip back out again. If a burglar notices no activity at a home for a day or two, they may target it, thinking the homeowners are away on business or vacation. Keep your home looking occupied with splendid outdoor lighting. With help from a timer, we can keep your lights on at all the right times. Your home will appear lived in from a distance – adding that bit of extra deterrent for when you are away.

Read more safety & security lighting stories on our blog or find out more about the perfect outdoor lighting design for added security at your home, with a free demonstration. Call today (864) 475-9200.