Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of North & West Houston, Katy, & Sugar Land Change Location

Should I Add Deck Lighting to My Deck Stairs?

Yes. We might be a little bias, but let us explain to you why you must have deck stair lighting at your Houston area home. (Outdoor lighting for all of your outdoor stairs is really the best advice). From added safety, extended time outdoors, and creating ambience. 

Learn more about deck lighting from one of our experts here!

Beauty and Function with Strategic Deck Lights!

Your deck is a favorite hang-out, right? Don’t go indoors just because of the sunsets. Your deck stairs are an important part of utilizing your deck and yard at night, make sure there is enough light to see what you’re doing.

You’ve invested in a gorgeous deck, show it off! Deck stair lighting can be in the risers, under the railings, or on the posts and provide a lovely glow on the quality craftsmanship of your favorite backyard space.

An Ounce of Prevention…

Keeping your friends and family safe from dangerous falls is the right thing to do. Falling on the stairs is one of the most dangerous types of falls, which can lead to very serious injuries. Injuries you don’t want your FRAMILY to endure.

Not to Mention…

In today’s libel world, any potential liability should be negated if possible before it costs you. That new friend you thought was showing potential for lifelong comradery can take a quick turn south with a trip and fall and a large medical bill.

If friends present a risk, imagine the risk that can exist from a delivery person, service provider, or another stranger that visits your property. A trip and fall on a porch, entrance, or deck stair can be a significant financial cost to you and your household.


Yes, you should have deck stair lighting, unless you don’t have deck stairs, then we can talk about the types of lighting you should have. From landscape lighting and tree lighting to custom market lights, we offer every LED outdoor lighting style you can imagine.

If you’re ready to illuminate the stairs to your deck – call us at (713) 231-5898 today!