Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of North & West Houston, Katy, & Sugar Land Change Location

Make Other Subdivisions Envious with Unparalleled Custom Neighborhood Entry Lighting

Did you know that HOAs invest hundreds and often thousands of dollars a year creating beautifully landscaped entrances to attract buyers, increase home values, and satisfy homeowners? This ongoing maintenance work includes seasonal flowers, lawn services, and irrigation services to beautify and draw attention to the distinctive signage that alerts visitors they are in the right place.

Some neighborhoods have brick and stone signs; others have large privacy walls attached, gatehouses, and even water features!

All of this investment creates an attractive scene, but all-too-often these efforts go unnoticed after dark. After nightfall, the proud display of the neighborhood name and sign is most important! Finding your way to a new place in the dark is always more challenging, even with Google Maps telling you when to turn. But with a relatively modest investment in LED outdoor lighting for neighborhood entrances, the grandeur of the neighborhood name, sign, and landscaping can be enjoyed at night. Creating a lovely warm welcome for homeowners and guests alike.

How Does Your Neighborhood Entry Compare with Adjacent Communities?

Neighborhood/HOA entry way

When assisting HOAs with their neighborhood entry lighting, we get one of three types of clients.

  1. They don’t have neighborhood entry lighting at all.
  2. They have entry lighting, but it needs some outdoor lighting maintenance and either no one knows who installed it, or the installation company is no longer around.
  3. They have entry lighting, but it is in complete disrepair and needs to be replaced or upgraded.

The lack of lighting or disrepair of lighting is what can hurt a community trying to compete for desirability with nearby neighborhoods. A grande and illuminated entrance a few miles away is much more enticing and says a lot about what the homeowners get for their HOA dues. When entering a neighborhood, guests or prospective buyers might wonder why anyone would want to be part of an HOA that can’t keep communal areas looking nicer. This is A.) very embarrassing for the homeowner who they are visiting and B.) is not going to convince a buyer that it is a great community.

No matter which of the three categories you fit in above, you should consider Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of West Houston and The Woodlands your partner in providing a full outdoor lighting solution. We service and repair all LED systems, we upgrade existing systems to energy-efficient LED (saving your HOA 80% in electricity costs), and we create beautiful custom outdoor lighting designs – complete with meticulous installation.

Help your neighborhood compete with the biggest and most desirable communities in The Heights, Memorial, River Oaks, The Woodlands, Spring, and Magnolia, like Carlton Woods with the best-LED neighborhood entry lighting in Houston. Call us at (713) 231-5898 today!