How to Improve Your Home’s Outdoor Lighting Display

St. Louis Outdoor Lighting Maintenance and Lighting Upgrades

Do you already have outdoor lighting installed at your home? Whether you or another company installed it, there’s a good possibility that it can look even better or save you energy. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of St. Louis, we can provide you with a free Lighting Assessment Score (LAS) of your current system to review several aspects of the design. From there, we will tell you how it can improve. You might not even know there are ways of improving your design until you give us a call. Since staying at home is the norm right now, it only makes sense to enjoy your time spent at home with the help of outdoor lighting. Think of all the great memories you can make in your backyard this year with beautiful backyard lighting.

Free Outdoor Lighting Assessment Score

When you call us for a LAS, you will first schedule an appointment with our Outdoor Lighting Perspectives technician. They will visit your home and analyze your system for proper efficiency and performance, determine what needs to be adjusted or repaired, and examine fixtures, transformers, and bulbs to get your lighting assessment score. From there, we will provide you with a detailed outline of recommendations on how we can improve the design and functionality of your outdoor lighting system.

home residential outdoor lighting

Left image: Without proper maintenance; Right image: With proper maintenance

Improve Your Lighting Design with St. Louis Outdoor Lighting Repair

Next, we move onto the repair phase of transforming your outdoor lighting. If just a few of your lights get bumped, tilted, or turned, it might throw your whole design out of whack. As part of your St. Louis Outdoor Lighting repair, we will fix all aspects of your design that need help. We will also implement new outdoor lighting aspects to your design to help get your home ready for evenings spent outdoors. Some of the most common problems we address during your repair are exposed wires, dark spots on the façade, broken fixtures, inefficient halogen bulbs, pathways not adequately lit, and any fixtures that are not working.

Never Worry Again with St. Louis Outdoor Lighting Maintenance

After we transform your old outdoor lighting design with our improvements, such as LED upgrades to provide you with energy savings, you may need help maintaining your new outdoor lighting design. Fortunately, we offer St. Louis outdoor lighting maintenance plans to keep you covered all year round. Our maintenance plan includes everything you might need to keep your outdoor lighting in tip-top shape. For instance, it includes extended warranty coverage on your installation, priority service, wire repair, trimming landscaping if it obstructs the lighting, replacing halogen bulbs, and much more! You never have to worry about your outdoor lighting looking out of date or half working again. Proper maintenance will ensure your outdoor lighting design looks amazing all year long!

If your St. Louis outdoor lighting system is not up to par or needs a refresh, you’ve come to the right place. Call us today to get started with a FREE outdoor lighting system inspection.