Never Flip a Switch Again – Is Smart Outdoor Lighting Right For You?

In the past, it was common for people to use a timer to automatically turn their outdoor lights on each night and when they went out of town to make it look like they were home. These timers were finicky and a challenge to deal with. Today, you can control everything from your phone, your Amazon Echo or your Google Home device. Setting your outdoor lights to today’s timer is as easy as saying “Okay Google, turn my lights on at 6 pm every night.” Smart lighting also allows you to change the dim and sometimes even the color. Learn more about smart landscape lighting for your home below.

Imagine St. Louis Landscape Lighting On a Timer

One of the biggest annoyances of people who enjoy the beauty of outdoor lighting is having to manually turn the lights on every night or manually set and re-set the timer. The setting sun is a constantly moving target and just when you think you got it, daylight savings time ends or begins again. With smart lighting from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, you can choose what time you want your lights to go on every night and they will automatically do it for you. With an automatic timer for landscape lighting, you never have to worry about flipping a switch or changing your timer after daylight savings time. Your smart lighting takes care of it all for you. You can even choose your lights to turn on from dusk until dawn.

Did you know we can integrate your existing porch lights, coach lights or other outdoor lights with the system too? We can!

Smart Landscape Lighting is Perfect for Everybody

Not only is it convenient to have your landscape lights integrated with a smart timer because you never have to flip a switch or adjust a manual timer, but it’s convenient for when you’re away from your home all day and you return at night. Every single night your home’s yard will greet you with its beautiful illumination.

If you go out of town for business or vacation, your lights will still come on every night. We can even help integrate smart lights inside your home too so you can trick anyone into believing you’re home while away. Setting each room’s lights to turn on and off in sequence as you would do when you are home is much more effective than leaving a light on always! Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of St. Louis is here to design, install and set up your smart landscape lighting for you. All you have to do is pick what time you want your lights to turn on.

If you love the idea of a smart home start with your landscape lighting. If you already have a smart home, keep everything on it, including your landscape lighting. Call us today for a free nighttime demonstration!