Tree Lighting Adds Depth, Height, and Intrigue to Your St. Louis Property


While Missouri celebrates the first day of April as Arbor Day, National Arbor Day is April 26th. We only mention it because we think trees deserve to be celebrated every single day of the year. After all, trees are responsible for making a large portion of the air we breathe!

Celebrate your trees this month and every month with a professional tree lighting.

Tree lighting Each tree on your property is unique and deserves its own lighting technique so it can shine with the full glory of its potential. While you could add lighting to your trees yourself, the one-size-fits-all and lower quality lights you find in the store, just won’t do your trees justice.

Custom Tree Lighting

Ornamental Trees
Do you have beloved crepe myrtles or a Japanese maple? Ornamental trees are generally smaller than hardwoods and often have a wider more decorative canopy. We’ll utilize our best uplighting with a wider wash so that we can show off the reach of the gorgeous branches. If it is a tree that blooms, we might just use two lights to make sure all the petals are enjoyed after dark for an unbelievable 3D effect.

Deciduous Trees
Your Maples, Oaks, and Poplars transform from season to season. From spring buds to vibrant fall colors, deciduous trees are ever-changing. We’ll customize our lighting technique for each tree to maximize its beauty in every season. While you might love the fall colors, you may just discover something magical you’ve never seen before when our installed downlight shines through the bare branches in winter. With focal lighting, moonlighting and more, your majestic trees will be the anchor of your landscape lighting design.

Evergreen Trees
Typically spruces or pines, your evergreen trees add privacy year-round and keep some green in your life during the heart of winter. With thicker foliage on their branches, allowing for less light to get through, we approach each evergreen tree with a different method than others. We might choose to shine a gorgeous light all the way up the trunk to the highest branch. Or, we may use a spotlight from further out to cast a lovely wash on the entire tree!

The best way to know how we can light your trees is to call us and schedule your free nighttime demonstration. We’ll come out to your home and use our portable lighting system to show you our design proposal for your unique trees. Don’t wait! You have nothing to lose, the demo is no-obligation, absolutely free. Call today 636-561-1818