Add Seasonal Flair To Your Home and Landscape with San Antonio Fireside Outdoor Lighting


Autumn has arrived — and though we are lucky enough to still have warm weather here in the San Antonio and Hill Country area, it’s the perfect time of year to get that “around the campfire" vibe going now. Backyard fire pits and fireplaces offer the perfect fall and winter time outdoor lighting opportunity for family to gather together to enjoy an evening with a good old-fashioned marshmallow roasting and lively storytelling.

Smores over fire

Fire features and other hardscapes often fall into darkness when they are not being used, and Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio can creatively cast a glow at these features so they are pulled into your overall lighting scheme even when they are not lit. We can employ expert lighting design to make a fireplace or fire pit look fiery even on the darkest night so that they are a continual focal point every evening. Why let an expensive hardscape investment sit in darkness, after all?

Custom outdoor lighting isn’t just for your home’s façade, garden beds and walkways. Don’t miss out on illuminating features, hardscapes and other outdoor living structures so they can be enjoyed year-round with ease. Add light to the stonework or brick that faces your fireplace for added seasonal texture, or bring the patio around your fire pit out from the gloomy darkness so you can sit at it at any time with a cup of coffee and conversation whether it is hosting flames or not.

Let’s also not forget about the safety aspects that good outdoor lighting can provide, too. Hardscapes that project outward into passage areas can be dangerous if they can’t be seen by your guests. Tripping over an outdoor fireplace hearth or fire pit stones is a hazard waiting to happen if they aren’t visible. Adding targeted lighting that makes it easy for visitors to navigate without putting harsh lighting in their eyes is all part of what our expert lighting designers know how to skillfully do. We don’t just point a bright light at your fireplace, we wash it in a delicate light that gives you all the atmosphere of a real fire.

Festive hospitality lighting

Pulling a fire pit zone into the context of your overall backyard design so that it doesn’t look like a forgotten afterthought can be tricky, but adding overhead string lighting is a terrific tactic to make this space part of the cohesive design of your garden. It adds tons of character and gives a truly festive appeal with a unique seasonal feel. Our commercial grade string lighting is made in the USA and will not sag over time thanks to our commercial-grade components.

Whether you are working with an architect now to design a new outdoor fireplace or you already have one in place—we can work with you to plan your lighting wiring now or we can retrofit an existing outdoor amenity, deck or patio after the fact.

Outdoor lighting designs

Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be enjoying the seasonal changes happening in your outdoor oasis. Let Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio show you how to continue to enjoy your backyard to bring out the campfire feel that brings families together.

For a complimentary design consultation or answers to questions about how we can help you with outdoor lighting for every season (and reason).