DIY vs. Professional Outdoor LED Lighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

If you’ve done DIY projects in the past, you know that there’s a lot of planning involved. Whether you are retiling your bathroom, refinishing your deck, or installing outdoor LED lighting, you’re likely to get different results when you do it yourself versus hiring a professional. Before you head down to a Big Box store and invest in all the necessary lighting materials, we recommend mapping out what your outdoor LED lighting project requires and comparing it to a professional design and installation.

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Installing Outdoor LED Lighting as a DIY

Installing your own outdoor LED lighting isn’t a simple task. Before buying the materials, you need to establish your outdoor lighting design. This entails researching various types of outdoor lighting, calculating how many lights your transformer can handle, and determining where you will mount your fixtures and bury the lines.

You’ll also need to select the type of lighting that will achieve your outdoor lighting goals. If you’ve invested a lot in your Richmond or Charlottesville property, you likely want your outdoor LED lighting to reflect that same level of quality. Like many homeowners, you’re probably looking to create a soft, subtle lighting effect that’s also energy efficient. There’s a lot of lighting options out there, so it’s essential to do your research.

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What should you watch out for? If your design isn’t done well, you could end up with wires all over the place or hitting a pipe during the digging process. You may also cast too much light in some areas of your landscape and not enough in others. Unless you choose high-quality fixtures and bulbs, your lighting may end up breaking in just a few months, which means you would need to begin your project from scratch.

When installing outdoor lighting, it’s important to be meticulous through every step of the process. Before you get started, you need to consider whether you have the time and the knowledge to commit to your outdoor lighting project.

Professional Outdoor LED Lighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

Suppose an outdoor lighting DIY project seems like it may be too time-consuming or a bit risky. In that case, you may consider a professional outdoor LED lighting installation from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Richmond & Charlottesville, which is an entirely stress-free experience.

At OLP of Richmond & Charlottesville, we’ve been designing and installing upscale, energy-efficient outdoor LED lighting systems in Central Virginia for more than twenty years. We are committed to every project we do and have an exceptional track record for high-quality installations and customer service. We believe that outdoor lighting begins with you and want you to be an integral part of the process from concept to design to installation. This way, we can achieve your outdoor lighting goals while reflecting your magnificent sense of style.

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To get started, we offer complimentary outdoor lighting consultations and demonstrations. Our outdoor lighting experts will come out to your home and walk your property with you, temporarily illuminating any areas or features you desire. During the demonstration, you’ll get to see what your outdoor lighting would look like before making a commitment. When you see the stunning results, you won’t believe your eyes!

If you’re interested in professional outdoor LED lighting in Richmond or Charlottesville, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives today to schedule your complimentary consultation and demonstration. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your outdoor lighting goals!