Make the Most of the Beautiful Fall Weather with Low Voltage Landscape Lighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

Fall is lovely in Central Virginia, and you want to make the most of your time outdoors. While the daylight becomes increasingly limited, the nighttime temperatures are perfect. As work and school schedules pick up this time of year, your family’s downtime often occurs during the evening. To enjoy as much time as possible with your family outdoors this fall, you need to illuminate your landscape at night.

Residential lighting

3 Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting Ideas for Fall in Richmond & Charlottesville

Fall is a wonderful time of year to install low-voltage landscape lighting in Richmond and Charlottesville. To capture the essence of the season, our outdoor lighting experts have some landscape lighting suggestions to make the most of your backyard this fall. Here are a few:

1.  Illuminate Fire Features

Do you have a fire pit or an outdoor fireplace in your backyard? If so, you’ll likely be using your fire feature more on cool evenings this fall. By illuminating your fire feature, you can create a lovely, gently illuminated space for family and friends to gather around in the evening hours.

Seating outside

2. Create Warmth in an Inviting Atmosphere in Your Outdoor Living Space

Do you have a deck or patio that essentially goes unused at night due to the darkness? With custom deck and patio lighting, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere outdoors, allowing you to extend your evening barbecue, swap stories over cocktails into the night, and linger as long as you like!

3.  Accentuate Your Tree Line with Low Voltage Landscape Lighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

Using a professional uplighting technique, you can exquisitely accentuate your magnificent trees at night. By shining a soft, gentle light from the ground upward, you can highlight the beauty of your tree’s branches and leaves – a breathtaking sight to see in the fall.

tree lighting

Are you ready to make the most of your landscape this fall? If so, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives to learn more about our low-voltage landscape lighting in Richmond and Charlottesville. Schedule your complimentary landscape consultation and demonstration today!