Accentuate Your Landscape at Night with Elegant Uplighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

You’ve spent time cultivating a beautiful landscape. By investing in lovely shrubs and plantings and tending to the flowerbeds each spring, everything is just as you like it. The border of your landscape is defined by a natural tree line, which provides a magnificent backdrop for your property. With elegantly designed pathways as well as a custom patio and pool, there’s nothing you and your family enjoy more than spending time outdoors.

up-lighting on barn

The care you’ve taken enhancing your property is evident, and your landscape is a sight to behold. Unfortunately, once the sun starts to go down, the beauty and functionality of your property disappear. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could carry the glory of your landscape into evening hours?

Bring Your Landscape to Life at Night with Professional Uplighting in Richmond & Charlottesville

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Richmond & Charlottesville has been designing and installing custom outdoor lighting in Central Virginia for more than 20 years, and we can do the same for you. We use various lighting strategies to elegantly illuminate the best features of your property and bring your landscape to life at night.

up-lighting landscape lighting on trees

By using a lighting technique called uplighting, which points light upward from the ground, our lighting experts can create a luxurious outdoor ambiance that transforms your landscape into the evening hours. The uplighting technique provides a wonderful effect for trees, focusing in on the details of the leaves and branches. Uplighting also elegantly accentuates garden features, such as fountains, statues, plants, and more. You can also use uplighting to highlight the architecture of your home, sending a wash of light to draw out colors and textures of your façade while narrowing in on the angle of your roof. The results are exquisite!

Imagine your property with the elegance of uplighting. While you relax outdoors in the evening hours, you can enjoy the beauty of your landscape at night. You relish in the subtle illumination as your eyes move over the tops of your majestic trees, down to your garden, through your outdoor spaces, and up to your home. The best features of your property are gently illuminated, taking on a nighttime persona, and the view is stunning.

up-lighting on trees

If you’d like to learn more about what uplighting can do for your Richmond or Charlottesville property, call us today to schedule your complimentary outdoor lighting demonstration and consultation or complete our online form. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you bring the beauty of your landscape to life at night!