Enhanced Safety to your Property with Path Lights


Richmond winters can be unpredictable. One day it’s 30 degrees out, the next day it’s in the 60s. One thing that remains constant, however, is the nighttime. The sun still sets before 6pm. With early darkness comes decreased visibility. With decreased visibility comes increased opportunity for slipping and falling, unless of course, your property has path lights.

Path lightsOne of the goals of professional outdoor lighting is to increase the safety of a property. Illuminating pathways is imperative to achieving that goal, but not all path lights are created equal.

We’ve all seen solar lights on a property where there seems to be a fixture every couple feet making the walkways look like an airport runway. Why does that happen? The quality of solar landscape lighting in most instances isn’t high enough to provide effective illumination. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, we use only the highest quality, low voltage lighting, including LED, cutting down on the number of fixtures that you’ll need. Designers strategically place each fixture with optimal light spread creating a design that is about the light, not the fixture.
Path lighting
Path lights come in a variety of shapes, sizes and fixtures, all with the same main goal: illuminate the surrounding area. The most popular design is our copper or brass path light. Classic in design, it’s effective, efficient and gets the job done. With different heights and beam spread, we find that a few fixtures are enough to provide the desired effect.

Decorative path lightsIf you’re looking for something that makes more of a statement, fixtures like those seen here light the surrounding areas, but create beautiful and interesting shapes on the space as well. From grids to flowers, the options are endless.

Other path lighting options include string lights (you’ll need to speak to your designer about how you can hang the lights to make them effective in addition to charming), spot lighting, and moonlighting where fixtures are placed high in trees shooting light downward. Moonlighting mimics the light of the moon (hence the name) by creating shadows below.

If you think your property is in need of additional safety lighting, please contact us at 804.874.9985.