Enjoy your Pool Safely with Pool Lighting in Midlothian and Richmond


Summer in the Richmond area is upon us. The weather is warm and the kids are out of school. They are spending endless time outdoors and staying up past their bedtime. For those homeowners with pools, families are swimming and it is not uncommon for the fun to continue past dark. While pools are fun and provide entertainment, they can be a safety concern. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, we design and install poolside lighting that increases the safety and security of your backyard.

Too often we enjoy the outdoors so much just to realize that the sun has gone down and we cannot navigate our way around a property safely. Just a few strategically placed backyard lights ensure that doesn’t happen to you.

Here are two examples of poolside lighting that allows families to enjoy their yards safely.

Poolside lightingThis large pool is set back from the home and surrounded by a beautiful flagstone patio. Because it is set a little farther back from the home, light from the house doesn’t reach all parts of the patio leaving sections of the space in the dark at night. The homeowners didn’t want to blast the space with spotlights but instead were looking for subtle outdoor lighting design to illuminate the space beautifully. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives visited the property and designed a simple yet effective system. Path lights were installed along the edge of the patio shooting lighting downward on the space. Visitors can now clearly see where they are stepping and can easily find their way back to the home when the fun ends.

pool and deck lightingOur second example is a stunning backyard, but with retaining walls, steps and a pool, it has some safety concerns without light at night. Our trained designers visited the property and created a poolside lighting system that accentuates the beauty of the space without overwhelming it with light. Downlights were installed on the rock wall to light the pool deck below and a series of path lights were placed around the rest of the space. Look how the color and textures of the space can now be seen at night!

If you’re looking to enhance the safety of your backyard, please reach out to us at 804.874.9985.