Safety Lighting as Daylight Savings Ends

This Sunday, November 1st, is the end of daylight savings. While we get an extra hour to sleep, it does mean that it gets darker earlier each night. All of a sudden, we’re driving home in the dark after work. It’s more difficult to see where you’re stepping and you’re more likely to trip over a rouge kid’s toy or stick.

As the change is so quick, we suggest reaching out to an outdoor lighting company (like us!) to increase the safety of your property with light. Not to mention, your home will look beautiful for the holidays!Outdoor lighting in Richmond & Charlottesville Blog

For safety lighting, the first places we look to illuminate are traveled paths including walkways, driveways and steps. Our high-quality path lights properly light walkways with a large beam spread. Only a few fixtures will be needed depending on the length of your sidewalk. Or goal is never to add fixtures just for the sake of adding them. Instead, it’s all about the light output.

Path lights can also be used for driveways, but sometimes, the space is just too wide for only path lights to illuminate the entire space. In those cases, we can use spotlights or moonlighting to provide sure footing for homeowners and visitors. Spotlights can be secured on rooflines shooting light downward on the space while moonlighting requires fixtures to be installed high in the trees shooting light down through the branches, creating some shadows on the ground, mimicking the look of the moon.

Steps are arguably the most important features to illuminate for safety purposes. If there are only a few steps, path lights may be used, but if there are more, specific step lights or deck lights may be installed. Step lights sit on the vertical portion of the step, shooting light downward. Deck lights can be used if the steps have railings along the side. They are installed on the railing posts. Your outdoor lighting company can help you decide on which fixture is right for you.

If you want your home to stand out in the dark as well, we suggest adding architectural lighting as well. A well designed system will accentuate all the best aspects of your home, its colors, textures and stand out features. Trust us, you’ll notice the difference just as much as you do with daylight savings.

If you have questions on adding safety lighting to your property, please contact us at (804) 353-6999.