In part 2 of our LED landscape lighting series, we answer more of your questions. Make sure you don’t miss part 1 of LED questions series.
Video Transcription
Here are some answers to the questions we hear most often. Yes and double yes like with all electrical components you need to make sure that the LED is getting proper power that it seals and housing have not been compromised and that lenses and fixture bodies are clean and free of any debris. Rain water and electronics do not play well together so maintaining a systems integrity is critical to proper performance and life expectancy. When comparing identical systems an LED landscape lighting system will cost about a quarter as much energy as operating the same incandescent system. Now you won't need to change either as long as your transformer is in good working order the initial wiring was installed properly and is in good working order and the connections are secure and not compromised. LED tolerances are wider than comparable incandescent products and use less wattage so they will retrofit into your existing setups seamlessly. When you have questions we have answers and as always thanks for asking.