Set It and Forget It. Lighting Timers for Inside and Outside Your Home


Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives we are constantly watching the world of outdoor lighting change. Since 1995 we have been installing high quality and beautifully planned outdoor lighting for residential settings as well as commercial. As the technology has improved our quality of life as a whole, much can be said to the same effect about outdoor lighting. Convenience and dependable technologies is the case with the use of the lighting automation timer that we currently uses in our outdoor lighting applications.

timer switch
Matt Oakes, the automation expert at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville explains just how carefree, and simple the use of lighting automation timer really is. " It is a set it and forget it system. Homeowners think that the component has to be constantly adjusted, and this just isn’t the case. When Outdoor Lighting Perspectives does the install on your lighting and all the components involved. Once the timer is set, you’re done. If the need arises to make changes, we can make the changes via the internet for you. The time adjusts for sun-up, sun-down, seasonal time changes and of course leap year too. We can even program in a vacation setting, or an out of town setting. This works really well for people who travel frequently, we call it the lived in or at home look. Always keeping safety in mind. Even if the power goes out your timer won’t need re-programming. All memory that is stalled in a non-volatile state is remembered. It even self adjusts to keep the current time. This is truly a system that never has to be re-programmed ever, just set it and forget it".

automatic timer for setting lighting
Gone are the days of your grandfather’s timer that hooked into one light within your home to give onlookers the impression that someone is home. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives is taking outdoor lighting to a whole new level. A level of convenience, safety and peace of mind that when you’re away your lighting isn’t on break.

Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives to learn more about lighting automation timers, and lighting control automation, and all the other advances we are using to make your outdoor lighting more convenient and more breathtaking than you ever imagined.