Does your neighborhood have entrance lighting that suits the quality and beauty of your neighborhood? At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, one of the things we specialize in is not only lighting residential homes but also lighting the entrances to neighborhoods. Below are a couple neighborhoods in Colorado that were illuminated in Colorado by OLP lighting designers Mead & Kathy Noss.
Community entrance lighting enhances neighborhood safety.
With any outdoor lighting system, safety and security are paramount. A good community lighting plan begins at all of the entrances to the community. You want homeowners and their guests to find the community easily after dark.
The impression of the community after dark should be warm and inviting.

Find a lighting designer that understands what lighting you need to softly bathe your entrances and homes in soft light. A good lighting designer will not specify more light than you need.

Don’t forget to make sure your lighting company provides great maintenance and a great warranty.
Warranties and maintenance costs become very important over the long term with respect to lighting systems – and communities and their respective homeowners should try to obtain the best warranties available. In addition, the best maintenance for any lighting system is usually provided by the original company that installed it since they are most familiar with the product and installation. However, not all companies that install lighting systems also provide maintenance so that is an important consideration when evaluating a contractor.
As with any other asset in the community, lighting systems need to be maintained on a regular basis to provide optimum performance and to serve the needs of the community. In closing, the appearance of any outdoor lighting system (daytime or evening) really does set an appropriate tone for the community.

Mead & Kathy Noss service the Colorado Springs, Denver/Boulder and Fort Collins markets in Colorado. You can view their website here to learn more and request your free night-time demonstration.