Eliminate Dark Spots on Your Property at Night with Custom-Designed Landscape Lighting

Does your home’s yard contain numerous dark spots after dark? Do your home’s floodlights still allow for areas for would-be intruders to lurk? If so, consider custom-designed landscape lighting to bring increased curb appeal and increased security after dark to your Raleigh home. We’ve been designing and installing custom landscape lighting in Raleigh, NC, and surrounding areas for nearly two decades. We have the experience and expertise to bring added depth, texture and security to your front and back yard after dark. Call us today at (919) 769-6651!

landscape lighting for security in Raleigh NC

Prior to the installation of landscape lighting in this homeowner’s backyard, it was dismally dark after nighttime arrived. The chief concern was their inability to fully see where they were stepping when making their way to their pool area and pergola. In order to rectify this, we combined pathway lighting and a few uplights to bring the path to life, as well as the surrounding foliage. Now, the homeowners can see precisely where they’re walking and there’s essentially no space for someone to hide after dark. It’s a perfect example of combining aesthetic lighting with practical lighting to add beauty and safety to the property at night.

landscape lighting installation in Raleigh NC

Imagine the walkway above without any lighting. What’s the first thought that comes to mind? If you’re thinking you wouldn’t want to walk through that area come nightfall, you’re not alone. It’s human instinct to avoid dark and uninviting spaces. We were able to change that completely with just a few very carefully placed pathway lighting fixtures. In addition to the pathway lighting, we were called back to the property to install downlighting, commonly referred to as “moonlighting”. We crafted a unique downlighting design that cast a subtle wash of illumination onto the area from the surrounding trees – hence the name “moonlighting."

outdoor security lighting in Raleigh NC

In the image above, you’ll notice the patio isn’t overly illuminated. That is a very key component to ensuring your lighting is aesthetically pleasing after dark. We aim to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home’s outdoor living spaces without the illumination becoming overpowering. Now these homeowners can relax on their patio at night with complete visibility and nearly all dark spots have been removed from their property after nighttime’s arrival!

If you’re looking for landscape lighting for security at your Raleigh, NC, home, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Raleigh today. You can reach us by calling us at (919) 769-6651 or by filling out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!