Why You Should Leave Your Durham, NC, Outdoor Lighting to the Professionals

Are you a DIYer? Do you find it nearly impossible to allow another professional to perform a task for you? If so, we understand that mindstate, completely. However, when it comes to landscape lighting, it’s best to leave this to the professionals. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Raleigh, we’ve been designing and installing outdoor lighting systems for nearly two decades. Furthermore, we are a nationally-backed-franchise with access to high-quality copper and brass fixtures. We offer all customers a free design consultation and a free nighttime demonstration.

When it comes to outdoor lighting and landscape lighting, you’re going to want to ensure that you have all the correct fixtures and ensure they’re installed in the optimal locations. While every company enjoys bragging about their particular lighting fixtures’ quality, a true outdoor lighting professional knows it’s all about the effect of the illumination. If your landscape looks like an airport landing strip at night, that’s not very aesthetic. Additionally, if your lighting is so dim it provides zero practical illumination, that’s also a negative.

Pathway lighting

Truly professional outdoor lighting is purely about merging aesthetic illumination with practical illumination. It’s actually a more difficult balance to create than you’d think. You’ll need different lumen levels and different fixtures at different focal points to create the desired effect. You may even need to adjust the hue of the lighting on the Kelvin scale to bring proper uplighting or downlighting to and from trees.

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Raleigh, we know that no two outdoor lighting installations will ever be identical. Every system we design and install is completely custom. So, if you’re looking for an outdoor lighting designer and installer in Durham, NC, and surrounding areas, call us today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!