Have you noticed that some Bainbridge, OH, homes have a couple of lights out front, maybe a porch light or two, while others are bathed in a subtle but elegant array of lighting? Not too bright, just enough light to bring the home and landscape into focus beautifully, maybe even dramatically? What you’re seeing is the difference professional outdoor lighting can make at your home.

Whether you live in a Bainbridge residential neighborhood or on your own acreage, professional outdoor lighting is more than just a trend spreading rapidly across Ohio. Outdoor lighting, done correctly and artistically, enhances your landscaping at night while also increasing safety and security for your family and your guests.
Leaving Outdoor Lighting in Bainbridge, OH, to the Professionals
The large chain home improvement stores may sell outdoor light fixtures and bulbs, but they don’t sell years of lighting design training and experience. Our professional lighting designers have worked with different types of lighting fixtures and know which fixtures produce what kinds of effects. They know which trees, shrubs and flowering plants give off the most dramatic results as focal points in a landscape at night. They offer technical expertise as well as an artistic eye. Walk around your property with our lighting designer and you’ll see your landscape through our eyes.

That’s the first thing our designer will do—walk around your property with you and talk about what goals you have for outdoor lighting at your home. Many people think outdoor lighting is only landscape lighting. We also provide architectural lighting, safety and security lighting and lighting that enhances your outdoor living spaces so you’ll be able to spend more time out there.
Picture Bainbridge, OH, Landscape Lighting
You can think of landscape lighting in broad, general terms, but to achieve the sweeping effects of a well-lit property, we break the job down into very specific tasks.
Tree lighting. Let’s select your most beautiful trees and highlight their best features. A grand tree trunk here, a wide tree canopy there … maybe even a touch of “moonlight” cascading through the branches as though there’s a full moon every night.

Path lighting. Whether it’s a driveway or a trail of stepping stones leading from one area to another, wherever you and your guests will be walking can be illuminated for a combination of beauty and safety.
Garden lighting. Your prize roses or hydrangeas are a wonder to behold in the daylight, so why not at night, too? Landscape lighting will actually bring out colors, depth and texture that’s different from what you see in the daylight, and just as beautiful.
Focal lighting. What are your favorite sights in your yard—the front yard and/or the back yard? Let us aim a light, not too bright, angled just right to bring each one into focus at night. Maybe a water feature, an outdoor fireplace, a statue or another kind of outdoor art, a pergola, trellis or gazebo?
Architectural Lighting, Where Curb Appeal meets “Welcome!”
Architectural outdoor lighting in Bainbridge, OH, does more than show off your front doorway. It creates a pleasing first impression and welcomes your guests. We can bring out each nuance of your home’s architectural façade with a look that will make you proud to come home in the evening. At the same time, architectural lighting can deter intruders.
The Magic of Outdoor Living Space Lighting
Ah, the deck, patio, hot tub and pool areas deserve attention, too! Our clients tell us how much more time they spend using their outdoor living spaces after professional outdoor lighting has been installed. Minimal but skillfully-positioned lighting in these areas can increase your safety and set the mood you want, whether it’s festive or romantic. Never again will darkness chase you indoors. You should be able to use your outdoor spaces at night, too!