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Parking lot lighting provides not only safe travel but a feeling of safety

Would you feel safe walking out to your car in this parking lot? We suspect your answer is yes. When you think of parking lot lighting, you probably think of large commercial lots and bright spotlights. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Northern Ohio, we specialize in small commercial parking lot lighting for the Northern Ohio area.

More importantly, we specialized in upscale, refined, tasteful, and elegant parking lot lighting solutions. As you can see in the picture below, the carefully chosen post light does the job in an elegant manner. Our goal is not to sell you lots of lights. And, our goal is not to flood the area with light that may blind you depending on the angle you’re viewing it from. This beautiful LED commercial post lamp is just perfect for lighting up this parking lot and making guests and patrons feel safe at night.

parking lot lighting installer northern Ohio

No overlighting allowed!

In the photo below, you see that again just a couple downlights are utilized to do the job. The couple lights installed on the building allow for not only enough light to find your car but also enough light for a pickup game of basketball.

parking lot lighting northern ohio

The color of light

Take a look at the photo below and not how crisp and clean the light is. Often commercial lights have a foggy gray or dim yellow hue to the light. Good outdoor lighting is supposed to emulate how the illuminated space looks during the day. Take a look at how you can even make out the individual bricks on the wall and tell the colors of the flowers in the landscaping. That is the goal of great outdoor lighting.

parking lot lighting installation northern Ohio

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