Will You Be Ready For The End Of Daylight Savings Time On November 6, 2022?

We hope that you and your family had a most enjoyable summer, even thought some days were just a tad more than toasty.

Illuminating backyard

This morning, when we woke to the mid 60ºs, it was such a pleasure to have morning coffee outdoors on the porch. And with afternoon highs in the low 80ºs, the seasons are definitely changing.

With The Change Of Seasons Comes Earlier Evenings

As we start to enjoy cooler days and more temperate evenings, be mindful that darkness will soon be setting in much sooner than you may think.

Illuminating homeThe official date when Daylight Savings Time fades yet again for another year is November 6, 2022, at 2:00 AM here in Nashville. Soon the nights will continue to creep in earlier and earlier until that time arrives. This is also a great time to adjust or replace your outdoor lighting timers, especially if you are still using an old-style timer.

Front porch, Franklin TN

It’s the prime time to upgrade to a new one that automatically conforms and adjusts for the loss and gain of daylight, so you will never be lost in the dark – or come home to a gloomy driveway and landscape.

The earlier the sun sets, and the sooner the nighttime sky turns dark, the greater the need for dependable, efficient outdoor lighting.

Efficiency And Safety Are Job #1 With Outdoor Lighting Automatic Timers

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville can adjust your manual outdoor lighting timer so you don’t have to deal with the task.

Automatic timer lighting

Better yet, we can install a brand new Lighting Control Automation (LCA) timer that will forever remove the headache of dealing with DST time changes each and every year.

We simply set an LCA timer ONE TIME with your zip code, and it automatically knows exactly when to turn your outdoor lighting on based on your location. How’s that for an intelligent solution? With our Lighting Control Automation – the on/off options and programming adjustments to your outdoor lighting are virtually endless.

Outdoor lighting

As the days get shorter until next year arrives, our timer automatically adjusts itself based on the available daylight in your geography. It eliminates the need to remember to adjust your manual timer, and it saves you money because you only use your landscape lighting exactly when its needed. There is no wasted energy on your electric bill, either.

Automatic Outdoor Lighting Timers Are A Win/Win

For one thing, you will never have to be concerned with making sure that you turn on your outdoor lighting system for enhanced safety and beautification after dusk. Furthermore, a tremendous benefit of “automatically on” evening lighting is security. Even when you are not at home, no one would ever know. Each and every night your home looks lived in – regardless of whether your family is there or not.

Front walkway

Our automated timers are super easy to operate and need a few simple settings to get you started. If you consider yourself high-tech, you can certainly go hog wild and dive deep into everything automation has to offer by playing with the more extensive settings available if you choose to do so. You can actually control your indoor lights, appliances and even control the amount of light output, all from your mobile phone. Its functionally can be as robust as you want it to be.

Come Home To Stunning Illumination As You Kiss Dark Nights Goodbye

From coming home from work in the dark and arriving at a safe and well-lit home, to entertaining friends outdoors on the weekend with these wonderfully mild temperatures, outdoor lighting is fantastically convenient.

Having the benefit of professionally designed and installed outdoor lighting can add measurable safety, security, function and pleasure to your home and lifestyle.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville is Music City’s most trusted outdoor lighting company for over 30 years. Let us install a new LCA timer so you don’t have to worry about DST changes again! Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.

David Todd

David Todd, Director of Sales Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville.