More Than 30 Years Of Doing What We Promise – And Then Some!

We hope that you’re not personally aware of a recent phenomenon, but lately it seems that the service trades just don’t care about their customers. New inquiries for service are being ignored at a rapid clip. Current customers are virtually forgotten at the end of their visit or installation.

retrofit lighting

Well, my friends, that’s hogwash, it’s not right, not honorable, and surely no way to run a business – especially if you want to be around for generations.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville, also known as Nashville Inheritable Outdoor Lighting started designing, installing, and meticulously servicing outdoor lighting systems for homes and business more than 30 years ago.

custom path lighting

Not to borrow a cliché, but it’s like the line from the movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.”

With this tried-and-true outdoor lighting expert, not only did they come, but they stayed. And for good reason.

landscape lighting

First of all, we consider our clients as being part of our family – not mere customers. When they need us, we’re there. Plain and simple.

And when we say we are going to do something, you can count on the fact that it will get done. Just like Dr. Seuss’ Horton says, “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. ... an elephant’s faithful 100%.”

Speaking of elephants, we are beyond proud to be the largest and most revered Nashville outdoor lighting full-service company. After all, we created the category, so we have a ton of experience under our belt.

landscape lighting in nashville

We have been called Nashville’s tried and true outdoor lighting for good reason. Our roster of outdoor clients – many from 30+ years ago when we started – are still clients of ours. And in today’s world, we believe that statement is on the verge of being miraculous.

In today’s culture of ever evolving trends and new thinking, we stand out not because we’re old. We stay on top because we’re the best.

So, how did we get here and stay there at the top of the illumination mountain?

Many reasons.

EXPERT ATTENTION TO YOUR NEEDS: From the moment you first connect with us, we consider you a part of our outdoor lighting family. We listen to your wants and needs and offer solutions that will be best in your long-term interest.

exterior lighting

SUPERIOR DESIGN, MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGIES: Having created the concept of putting lights in the ground for beautification, functionality, and safety, it’s no surprise that we get better at our craft with each passing day. Our designers are true masters on creating stunning effects – whether subtle or pronounced. Our handcrafted copper and brass low voltage outdoor lighting fixtures are as handsome as they are dependable. And as for our technology, we’re totally on top of it with the latest in color variations, timing and remote access to your system when needed.

romantic lighting

REFERRALS: Like many successful businesses, your true test of success is in having a legion of clients love what you do and then sharing that good news with friends and neighbors. We succeed at that and are truly grateful.

Thank you for considering us for your new outdoor lighting installation or for ongoing service. We value the opportunity to welcome you to our client family. You can start that conversation right here, right now.