“If Tombstones Could Talk” History Tour Offers Glimpse into Lives of Nashville’s Most Illustrious Citizens from the Past


Supporting local Music City events is something we love to do at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville. Invite the whole family to the Nashville City Cemetery’s 20th Annual Living History Tour on Saturday, October 12th. Hear the stories of many of the cemetery characters come to life with vivid tales about our city’s early days.

2019 Living History Tour – If Tombstones Could Talk: Triumph and Tragedy

“If Tombstones Could Talk: Tragedy from the Wild, Wild Western Frontier,” promises to be an illuminating event with volunteer storytellers dressed in costumes of the era who vibrantly depict the lives of Nashville City Cemetery’s interred residents.

The guided hour-long walking tour runs from 2-4 PM and 6-8 PM. Eighteenth and early 19th century historical Nashville characters will come to life as they went to Indian attacks, disease, tumult and triumphs in the early days of our great city.

You will stand by the tombstones of many of Nashville’s most interesting citizens. Alfred Hume who established our local school system; Governor William Carrol who brought steamboats to the Cumberland River; and Simon the Jockey, who raced Andrew Jackson.

Kids and grown-ups will learn a heap from this fun event featuring many more of Nashville’s most interesting people in this living history tour. It gives you the chance to stand among our city’s illustrious past.

For this event, the Nashville City Cemetery newly releases its free tour app in connection with Tour Buddy for all mobile devices. You can use the app to visit the cemetery by yourself at any time and do a self-guided tour.

  • Tickets for the “If Tombstones Could Talk” tour are $5 for adults, and free for kids 10 and under.
  • You can purchase tickets in advance through Eventbrite, or at the City Cemetery gate at the corner of 4th Ave South and Oak Street.
  • Free parking and shuttle service will be provided by Fort Negley Park at 1100 Fort
    Negley Boulevard from 1:30-9 PM.

Help our city maintain and protect the non-profit Nashville City Cemetery so our legacy can remain for generations to learn our history. For more information, visit thenashvillecitycemetery.org

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Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville is proud to be providing the lights and lighting for this amazing event. Nashville’s premier outdoor lighting contractor is ready to serve our community. Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville today at (615) 697-4629.