Take Going "Green" Beyond St. Patty's Day With Nashville LED Outdoor Lighting!

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville wants to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Chances are, you will be surrounded by the color green today and in honor of the occasion, we thought it would be a good time to discuss the green benefits of our LED outdoor lighting.

Green Benefits of LED

  • LED leaves less of a carbon footprint on the environment.
  • LED is a sustainable product meaning it will last years longer.
  • With other lighting systems, the discarded bulbs are added to landfills year after year. LED light bulbs last longer meaning their use frees up space in the landfills.
  • Since LED’s don’t have a filament that will burn out, they last much longer.
  • The LED bulb itself is also a lot more durable.

Exterior House Lighting
— Nashville LED outdoor lighting in Brentwood, TN

And There’s More!

Although Nashville LED lighting looks the part, it also performs the part too. Our high-quality LED’s have a bulb life of 50,000+ hours. Our patent-pending technology separates the electronics from the light source, reducing the heat the LED light source is subjected to, thereby extending its already long life. They can last over twenty times longer than halogen. That cuts usage costs since maintenance is reduced as is the irritation of persistently purchasing and replacing dead bulbs. Additionally, LED offers the same, or better, illumination using a minimal percentage of the power of halogens. Here’s an example of the type of savings we are referring to:

Your electrical company charges you by the KWH (kilowatt hour). One KWH is equal to using 1,000 Watts an hour. Doing a bit of math based on how many hours you run your outdoor lighting system in a year, you can easily calculate the savings of running an LED outdoor lighting system instead. But to make it easy, we’ve thrown a few numbers together to show you the difference:

LED verse Halogen cost comparison

The average cost of a KWH right now is about $.1091. In a year, it will take 1,314 KWH to run the Halogen system and 219 KWH per year to run the LED outdoor lighting system for 8 hours per night, 365 days per year. Within those parameters, you will spend $143.36 to run the Halogen system for the year & only $23.89 to run the LED system for the year.

Exterior House Lighting

Ready to Go Green?

Many consumers assume that in order to reap the benefits of an LED outdoor lighting system they have to trash their existing system and start from scratch. This is certainly not the case. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville can convert most fixtures into LED. We can even convert systems that include fixtures from our competitors. In some cases, we cannot re-use all of our competitor’s fixtures and some fixture additions may be necessary.

To determine if your system qualifies, one of our outdoor lighting professionals needs to inspect it and if it is deemed fit to undergo the conversion, you can start enjoying the many benefits of LED outdoor lighting. We can usually retro-fit about 95% of our lighting and we can retrofit our competitors lighting in most cases following a thorough inspection.

If you are considering an LED upgrade for your Nashville-area outdoor lighting system. Or if you are considering converting your existing system to LED, we are here to help you every step of the way. We are the area’s premier choice for outdoor lighting design and installation.

To learn more contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville today. You can call us at (615) 697-4629.

David Todd of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives
— David G. Todd, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville.