Are you ready to add Nashville outdoor lighting, but don't know where to begin?

Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville, we hear this comment all the time. Whether it is a homeowner wanting to upgrade their current outdoor lighting system, or someone in the process of adding an outdoor living space or pool that knows they want lighting added to the mix, or a business owner looking enhance their presence at night, sometimes it is challenging to know where to start. Fortunately, we DO know where to start. We have the knowledge, experience and expertise to guide you in the right direction along with the right design and timing to ensure your project is a success!

With this in mind, we thought it a good idea to address our most frequently asked questions from homeowners and business owners just like YOU:

During what stage of my project should I contact you about the outdoor lighting?

Optimally, we would love to hear from you once you have the blueprints and/or renderings in place out for your anticipated project. It just makes sense to bring us in at the very early stages so that we can work in tandem with your architect, builder or designer to install wiring and conduit pipe at the beginning planning stages. Coming in early and planning ahead also ensures we can locate transformers and figure out where fixtures need to go so that we can illuminate special features you’d like to include. We have worked with countless local builders, commercial and residential architects as well as hardscape and landscape designers, and we can easily integrate our working plans with theirs so that you can see it all come together in one cohesive manner. Like the old outdoor lighting saying goes, you get the best results when we are the first team in and the last team out.

Waterfall Lighting
Nashville water feature, hardscape and landcape lighting.

Should I make the change to LED?

Path LightingYou may be satisfied with the look your existing system provides, but with all of the positive press today’s LED lights are receiving, they probably have you thinking “I really wish I would’ve chosen a LED system for my outdoor lighting.” Like many other Nashville-area home and business owners, you may not have chosen to go with LED for your current outdoor lighting system because either it was installed during the period when LED outdoor lighting was not as affordable or its limited color range of a cold sterile blue hue was completely unsatisfying.

And, that brings to mind, the most frequently spoken statement we hear:

I don’t want LED because it is BLUE.

There is a common misconception that all LED lighting has a blue tone or cast. Much of this is based on the fact that early on, the blues of LED holiday lights were strikingly blue. The extensive advancements in the technology of today’s LED outdoor lighting has moved far beyond the rigid, cold hues or early LED’s. Today, LED’s are available in warm tones that are hard, if not impossible, to delineate between the warm, welcoming illumination of halogens.

Exterior House Lighting

If you are thinking now is the best time to convert to LED, you’re right! Even if you are currently utilizing a halogen system, all is not lost. Working with your existing outdoor lighting system to update it to the multitude of benefits of a LED system means not having to start fresh. As a matter of fact, systems 12 years old or newer increase your chances to be a candidate for LED conversion. In some cases we can even retro-fit your existing system to accommodate new LED technology.

Which design is right for me and how do I know which fixtures to choose?

The goal of any architectural and landscape lighting system is to accentuate the property and its architecture, colors and textures. The system’s design is incredibly important to ensure that everything is properly illuminated without dark spots. A trained outdoor lighting designer, like Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville, will know just which fixtures to use and where to place them for the perfect final result.

What do you notice about this outdoor lighting design— the effect it produces, or the fixture?

Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville, we offer some of the highest-quality copper and brass outdoor lighting fixtures available. However, our emphasis is always to focus on the effect and not the fixture in all of our outdoor lighting designs.

Will my outdoor lighting system require follow-up care or maintenance?

Adjusting light fixture

Just like heating and cooling systems, irrigation systems and other household systems, outdoor lighting requires proactive maintenance to keep it looking and performing its best. From growing landscaping to wires being disrupted due to lawn and landscape maintenance or inclement weather, normal outdoor activities can impact any lighting system. Professional outdoor lighting companies include maintenance in their service because they take pride in the overall performance of the system. Other types of companies may not understand the importance of proactive maintenance the way we do. That’s why we offer our clients an Annual Maintenance Plan on all of our systems.

Still have questions? Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Nashville today. You can reach us by phone at (615) 697-4629.