Do LED Lights Attract Bugs?

You've probably heard of different lights that help decrease or repel bugs around your house. For the most part, there's no one magical bulb to repel all bugs from your property, but you can certainly decrease their gathering points by utilizing different lights. If you use LED lights in your outdoor lighting system, you are likely to reduce the bug population on your property at least to normal levels without the aid of insecticides.

Here's why!

What Light Attracts Bugs?

Did you know that humans can only see certain kinds of light? "Visible light" is electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength of 400 to 700 nanometers. Creepy crawlies tend to be attracted to shorter wavelengths, usually 400 to 600 nm. These wavelengths are typically found in UV bulbs or those that produce heat.

Using LED lights, the light they produce gives off little heat and uses longer wavelengths. They also produce little to no UV lighting, which means that overall, the bulbs in LED lights produce nothing that insects find attractive. They will not congregate around light sources featuring these lights, reducing the population of bugs on your property.

Outdoor Lighting Systems with OLP-Designed LED Lights

LED Lighting in Naples

If you are looking for high-quality LED outdoor lighting systems, you should consider a company that has been focused on that market for decades. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples has been installing landscape lighting for over twenty years. As a result of our extensive background, we can design stunning environments that will highlight your home's natural charm in the evening hours.

OLP uses our exclusive LED technology, which is more cost-effective and saves you money by doing away with the need for costly halogen lighting. These LED lights include bulbs that can last up to 50,000 hours on average. All of our fixtures are low voltage, so you won't have to worry about replacing light bulbs every few months, and you'll be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint because of the reduced power use. Power lighting systems enable smart systems integration so that homeowners can control their lights from their smartphones or smart devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

Trust the pros at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples to customize an LED outdoor lighting system for your outdoor living space. Our team has over 20 years of experience designing and installing the best outdoor lighting systems around Naples and Southwest Florida. Call or contact us today to get started.