Lights Out: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting your Fort Myers Outdoor Lighting Outage

Electrical outletWhile we pride ourselves in our reliable LED outdoor lighting systems, there are many uncontrollable circumstances that may have your lighting system leaving you in the dark. After heavy rains, an electrical storm, hurricane, or rogue landscaping equipment, your lights may not come back on. While we are pleased to have you call us and let us check it out, it may be an easy flip of a switch to get you back up in running. In that case, we’d love to give you a checklist of switches and items to check before you call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples so that you can get your lights back on sooner.

  • Check to make sure your transformer is plugged in. There are many reasons a transformer can become unplugged and forgotten.

  • If you have a timer or lighting control automation system make sure the timer is plugged in. It may need time to restore the programming after a power outage.

  • Check your Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) by pushing the Reset button.

  • Check for a tripped breaker inside your transformer.

  • Check for a tripped breaker inside your main electrical panel.

If all of these items are checked and seem to be on and your system is still not turning on, call us. We’ll come out to check your system from A-Z. There are many issues that can happen that are beyond our control. From issues within your home’s electrical system, outlets shorting out, garden tools cutting wires and lightning strikes can cause a host of scenarios that could leave you in the dark. We’ll be sure to find the reason behind your outage and make sure to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Call today. We’ll be happy to answer questions over the phone or come out for a maintenance inspection. (239) 970-9554