Light Up Your Naples Home for the 4th of July

Ah, the sights and sounds of summer! Good food sizzling on the grill, bright sunlight reflecting off of the ice in your drink, and the kids shrieking as they push one another into the pool. The kids are lucky. For them, summer is one long holiday, but at least we adults get some holiday too. The 4th of July is a mere two and a half weeks away. Hopefully, you are getting ready. Independence Day is characterized by our favorite way to celebrate in America – good food and fireworks. What better way to celebrate than by throwing fire and light into the night sky? With a pop, crackle, and flash, fireworks mesmerize us and leave us with a sense of child-like awe. It’s a good feeling. Now what if you could make those feelings and that air of celebration last? With outdoor lighting, you can.

While it won’t flash and flicker (and you really don’t want it to!), outdoor lighting can bathe your property in warm, dramatic light that will capture the attention of those who pass by. Like fireworks, outdoor lighting uses areas of light and shadow to attract notice, cause pause, and elevate mood. Outdoor lighting can bring a celebratory atmosphere to your home this 4th of July and every holiday afterward. Unlike fireworks, outdoor lighting is long lasting. Carefully maintained, outdoor lighting systems can last a lifetime, continuing to elevate the look and feel of your property night after night.

Your outdoor lighting system can be as big or small as you like. Perhaps you want to start with a certain area – like the front of your home or your lanai or pool area. Like a small fireworks show, a small outdoor lighting system is still beautiful and captivating, and of course, if you want to expand later, that is possible. Whether your neighbors are out for a stroll or you are hosting a summer gathering, your outdoor lighting system will lift the spirits of all those who see it. And in addition to improving the quality of your outdoor time, it can even add resale to your home should you ever choose to sale.

Light captivates. Be sure you are taking advantage of this characteristic and get your property celebration ready for the 4th of July and all other holidays after. Call Outdoor Lighting Perspective of Naples. As the area’s premier outdoor lighting provider, we will use light to make your property unforgettable – without unsettling pops and explosions.

Kurt Shearer, Owner

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples
(239) 970-9554