Safety is Beautiful: Outdoor Lighting for Your Southwest Florida Home Security

It’s migration season. Birds that wintered over here in Naples are journeying back north. Of course, this happens with people too. Many who spend the winter in our area will be returning to their summer homes in the next few weeks. If you are headed back north soon, you are probably going through your checklist to be sure everything is ready for the months you will be away. Leaving your property for long periods of time can cause apprehension. You want your home to be safe and secure. Don’t forget that outdoor lighting is one of your best security measures, so be sure your system is in top shape before you leave.

A well-illuminated property is a crime deterrent. Such a home is at less risk of vandalism or breaking and entering. Unsavory characters prefer to strike homes that are shadowed and dark. In those environments, they are much less likely to be spotted. Not only is outdoor lighting striking and elegant, it can prompt someone with bad intentions to keep moving down the street. So contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples to schedule system maintenance. We will ensure your fixtures are in their optimal positions, wiring is reburied, any burned out bulbs are replaced, and your transformer is in good condition. With these routine adjustments, your property will shine. It will attract the attention you want, admiration from neighbors and friends, and not the kind you don’t from vandals and thieves.

To further increase the security your outdoor lighting system provides, consider adding Lighting Control Automation (LCA). While it is like a timer in many ways, it does so much more. LCA controls all of the electrical circuits on your property, including your interior lights and TV. Different zones are established, and they can be programmed to turn on and off on a schedule that mimics your normal routines. That way, the exterior of your home and your landscape is illuminated, and your interior lights come on and turn off as if you were home. Knowing it will be less apparent that you are away can give you peace of mind until you return to Naples again in the fall.

So if you are migrating soon, give Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples a call. Whether it is routine maintenance, installing Lighting Control Automation, or installing a new system, we can help you be sure your property is secure and ready for your departure. You can relax and enjoy your summer.

Kurt Shearer, Owner

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples
(239) 970-9554