Outdoor Lighting Captures Southwest Florida Nights

Tis the season. Well in reality, we do have a couple months before the holiday season gears up, but during this time of year, the swelter of summer is fading. Now is the time Southwest Florida residents are out and about. Parties are moving outdoors. We linger outside at night for conversations or strolls by the water, and some of our favorite moments occur on the patio or lanai while relaxing with family and friends. Whether it’s the holiday season or just the outdoor season that comes before, lighting is a big part of celebration, and there is no lighting more festive than outdoor lighting.

Since humans are not nocturnal, we are drawn to light, especially if that light shines in a space that is otherwise dark. From campfires to candlelight to lamps glowing in windows, light has helped civilization progress and thrive by allowing us to function once the sun goes down. Light also makes us comfortable and evokes feelings of security and happiness. Around lights, people have gathered to celebrate for generations, and with outdoor lighting, that tradition continues today.

Chances are, you’re not going to build a bonfire in your backyard for your next gathering. Though you may have a fire pit, a fire large enough to supply light for your property just isn’t practical or safe. But with outdoor lighting you can have the warm, striking glow that makes your guests feel comfortable and right at home. That light is what people crave. Well-positioned path lights illuminate your walkways, floodlights wash the walls of your residence, and spotlights cast dramatic uplighting onto your palm trees, live oaks, and outstanding architectural features. Relaxing and forgetting cares of the day, you and your guests will find yourselves laughing, sharing, and enjoying the night.

Add outdoor lighting, and you will capture all the benefits that it brings to your home – safety, curb appeal, and resale value. But above all, outdoor lighting captures mood and aesthetic in a way that no other home improvement can because no other home improvement speaks to us on such an elemental level. If you think it’s time to make your outdoor areas the place everyone will want to gather this season, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples. As the area’s premier outdoor lighting company, we will help you capture the night so you can make the most of it.

Kurt Shearer, Owner

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples

(239) 970-9554