Outdoor Lighting Timer Adjustments Made Easy as Daylight Savings Time “Falls Back”

Every year, halfway through spring and fall, our worlds are jostled as Daylight Savings Time moves the hour hands of our clocks. The great thing about the fall jump is that we go backward, giving us an extra hour of sleep rather than taking one away. However, this does mean we lose sunlight in the evening and night comes more quickly. In a few weeks, you and your family will likely be coming home to a dark house. If your outdoor lighting system is already on a timer, you probably have the lights set to come on at sundown, but it is operating on the “spring forward” settings. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of trying to fine tune your timer to accommodate the time change, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples has you covered.

If we installed your system and you have kept your Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) up-to-date, timer adjustments are covered under that plan. Of course, if you don’t have an AMP we can still service your system, even a competitor’s system. We can reset your timer for you. Our technicians will come out and make all the necessary adjustments so your system comes on at dusk and your property is beautiful, welcoming, and safe. While we are at your property, we can go ahead and perform some routine maintenance – checking your wiring, replacing any burned out bulbs, and repositioning any fixtures that may have shifted or that illuminate shrubs or trees that may have grown. The last thing you need is another to-do item in your busy life, so take advantage of the AMP, and let us handle it for you.

If you really want to make setting your timer easier and take more control of your lights, you should consider Lighting Control Automation. LCA is more than just a smart timer; it can control all the electrical functions in your home because it literally controls your outlets, inside and out. With LCA, we can program your outdoor lights to turn on and off or to dim or strengthen automatically. You can even control your heat or air conditioning, which can translate into energy savings. LCA can also turn lights on and off using the specific GPS location of your home. This means that your lights come on at dusk whether that is 6:30pm November or 5:30pm in December. And the best part? You don’t have to lift a finger. Once LCA is installed, our technicians don’t even have to come to your property to make adjustments. It can all be done from the office via computer, and yes, you can control the system too with a few taps in the LCA app that can be installed on your smartphone or tablet.

Imagine always coming home to a beautifully lit property, having lights turn on and off in your normal patterns even when you’re not at home, and being able to activate the heat remotely on a particularly chilly evening. Lighting Control Automation can give you these abilities, and coupled with our Annual Maintenance Plan, your biggest concern about Daylight Savings can be whether you lose or gain sleep. Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples today to set up a maintenance visit or to learn more about LCA.

Kurt Shearer, Owner

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples

(239) 970-9554