The New Face of LED Outdoor Lighting in Naples

What comes to mind when someone says LED outdoor lighting? If you are like most homeowners, you think of cold, blue color, overpowering brightness, and even those car headlights that so many say hurt their eyes. Despite its many environmental and efficiency benefits, LED did not make a good impression on consumers in its early years, especially when it moved into the outdoor lighting sector. Under old LED lighting, the true colors of homes and landscape were not accurately represented. Instead, they were tainted by the bluish color of the light, and the brightness was often overpowering. As a result, homeowners made the logical choice and installed halogen outdoor lighting systems on their property since they wanted assurance that the best of their property would be visible, natural, and warm.

Today, the LED outdoor lighting from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples can change your thinking. Our high quality LED fixtures emit light that is virtually indistinguishable from their halogen counterparts. You won’t be able to tell the difference between them. This light is warm, natural, and allows you to see the colors of your property in their true form. Rather than creating a scene that is sterile and unnatural, our LEDs impart elegance and a flare of the dramatic. It brings out the best of your property and brings attention to your home, not itself.

LightbulbsLED outdoor lighting is initially a little more expensive than a halogen system. So even with the improvements in color, why would you want to upgrade?  LED lights consume far less energy than halogen lights, 80% less, and their bulbs can last up to 25 years. This means that you will benefit from a lower electric bill, but it also means that you are makings steps toward being more efficient and environmentally friendly. In recent years, concern for the environment has been growing, and one of the best ways to help our planet is to be efficient. By doing so, we use less of our natural resources and produce less waste – waste that would otherwise pack landfills or make its way into our lakes, rivers, and oceans. Will upgrading to LED outdoor lighting change the world and solve all of our pollution problems? No, but it is part of the solution. By keeping so many burned out bulbs out of landfills and by consuming less electricity, LED lighting is just one way to make going green an easy part of your life.

With so many benefits to LED lighting, there is really nothing to lose. Our LED lighting is beautiful, it will lower your electric costs and pay for itself in only three years, and its low energy consumption reduces waste, which helps preserve our planet. If you are ready to upgrade to LED and join us in minimizing waste, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Naples today. (239) 970-9554