Light Your Way in Long, Dark Hours With Professional Minneapolis Path Lighting


As Minnesotans stumble through short hours of daylight and long hours of darkness, we can offer a bright spot – a beacon to literally light your way! Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis will illuminate your sidewalks, paths, steps, and areas around your home to stave off the nighttime gloom, and have your whole family safely walking outside after dark.

Post-Winter Solstice daylight hours are abbreviated, to say the least. December 21 offered 8 hours and 46 minutes of filtered sunlight and more than 15 hours of darkness. As we creep up minute-by-minute towards longer daylight hours, wouldn’t be nice to have safely-lit walkways around our homes? Don’t be inconvenienced by extended hours of darkness. We can help!

Minneapolis path lighting will keep you moving in the new year!path light with snow

Many of us Minneapolitans have made New Year’s resolutions to exercise more. Whether you are taking an early morning run, or an evening walk through your neighborhood, path lighting will see you safely to and from your home. As most of us will not be able to exercise in the middle of the day, path lighting is a simple solution for lighting your sidewalks, walkways, and steps, adding safety as you begin your new health regimen.

Everyday life also calls for safely and securely-lit paths around our homes. Simple tasks, like going to the mailbox and taking out garbage receptacles each week, usually have us traipsing from our door to the street in darkness. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis will install our high-quality LED path lighting that will have you safely traversing areas all around your home after dark.

Family pets can benefit from path lighting too!half dome copper deck light

If you have a dog, who requires a brisk walk before and after work each day, path lighting will accommodate your walking regimen! Don’t trip over unlit steps or slip on unseen ice-covered areas on your walkways. Additionally, our half-dome lighting can be installed on your backyard fence posts to illuminate areas where your dog is turned out after dark.

Path lighting upkeep and adjustments – leave that to us too!

When it comes to keeping your professional path lighting in tip-top shape, our annual maintenance plan will have you covered. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis will make adjustments to your lighting and replace or repair non-working elements to keep areas around your home properly illuminated in all seasons.

We only use top-quality path lighting products!snowman in the snow

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives uses only the best lighting fixtures. Our brass and copper path lighting fixtures are constructed to withstand harsh Minneapolis winters. Unlike their plastic, aluminum, and stainless steel counterparts, our lighting will last for many years of use and even include a lifetime warranty. Our clients can rest easy, knowing that their lighting fixtures will not warp, crack, or corrode under snow and ice!

Don’t let the long, dark hours in the wintertime get you down! Walk with confidence with professional path lighting around all potential slip and trip hazards around your home. Take advantage of our professional lighting installation, top quality lighting products, and service after the sale. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis will light your way in all seasons!

Are you tired of tripping and slipping around your home in these long hours of darkness? We will install functional and beautiful path lighting to see you safely around your home after dark! Call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis! (763) 317-0827