Plan Your Lighting Now to Avoid Impending 2019 U.S. Tariffs


Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis implores any commercial outdoor lighting or residential landscape lighting clients, planning outdoor lighting in 2019, to get your project underway now to avoid higher prices beginning January 1.

copper landscape lighting in yard Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis would like to inform its clients and potential clients, who are planning a project in 2019, that our company will, unfortunately, be affected by higher tariffs beginning January 1. If you are on the fence about starting your residential landscape lighting or commercial outdoor lighting project, we hope that you will reach out to us to begin planning immediately to avoid substantial cost increases.

How will new U.S. tariffs affect our commercial and residential landscape lighting product costs?

Raw materials that are used to create our outdoor lighting products will see a 15-20% cost increase, which will be in effect beginning January 1, 2019. There is no grace period on the tariffs – it will be immediately effective the first day of the new year. All our LED chips are sourced overseas, and those costs will be impacted as well. Increased product costs will regrettably be passed on to the consumer.

  • Landscape lighting fixtures see up to a 20% cost increase in 2019.

What can you do to maintain your upcoming landscape lighting or commercial outdoor lighting budget?

LED landscape lighting on home
See more about Minneapolis LED landscape lighting!

Residential landscape lighting clients and commercial outdoor lighting clients alike have one avenue of recourse – and that is to act immediately – do not wait to call us to begin planning your 2019 lighting project, so we can order your products before January 1! If you contact us now, we will take a down payment on your project, order your lighting components, and install in 2019! Even though we might not be able to install your project until after winter, your outdoor lighting products will be up to 20% less than they would be in 2019.

If you’re planning new landscape lighting or outdoor lighting in 2019, don’t wait! With tariffs causing a 20% rise in prices next year, getting started today could save you a lot of cash! (763) 317-0827