5 Reasons NOT to Wait for Shorter Days to Add Outdoor Lighting

If you think of Minneapolis outdoor lighting as seasonal, you are partially right, and then again it’s not that simple. No matter how you look at it, though, now is the time to add outdoor lighting to your home and landscape before the cold sets in and days become oh-so-short again.

Why Minneapolis Outdoor Lighting is NOT Seasonal

We enjoy—and benefit from—outdoor lighting year-round here in Minneapolis. When you look at it that way, there is nothing seasonal about it! No matter what time it gets dark around here, we love the magic of outdoor lighting, the nighttime curb appeal and the increased enjoyment of our outdoor living spaces. As long as the calendar says this is a month in which it will get dark at night, it’s the season for outdoor lighting in Minneapolis.

Why Minneapolis Outdoor Lighting Could Be Considered Seasonal

There are two reasons you could think of outdoor lighting in Minneapolis, MN, as seasonal. First, when we use the words outdoor lighting and seasonal in the same sentence, what comes to mind? Holiday lights, that’s what. So although we love our “every-day” outdoor lighting, we especially love our Christmas lighting, too. By the way, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis offers an outdoor holiday lighting service for homeowners and commercial properties, in case you were not aware of that.

The second reason outdoor lighting could be considered seasonal in the Minneapolis area is because of our cold winter temperatures. Once the ground is frozen, we will have to wait to install most types of landscape lighting. If you miss the window of opportunity before the ground freezes, you will be waiting until spring for an outdoor lighting installation.

Now that we’ve established that Minneapolis outdoor lighting is not seasonal—and it sometimes seems like it is—let’s look at why you should hurry to have your outdoor lighting designed and installed by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis before winter sets in.

Summer Solstice Has Passed: 5 Reasons Not To Wait to Add Outdoor Lighting

Now that we’re almost turning the calendar to August, sunset occurs before 9 pm. It won’t be long before we’ll be driving home from work in the dark. At the peak of summer the sun sets after 9 and last light is not until almost 10 pm. Winter solstice sunset is at 4:33 pm! That’s so early!

Driveway LightingThere’s a lot of “day” left after 4:33 pm—or there could be, if your home didn’t sink into darkness that time of day. Or should we say “that time of night”? We do keep turning that calendar, and while you are still enjoying long summer days, they are steadily shrinking.

Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t wait to add outdoor lighting:

  1. Plenty of outdoor summer fun remains even as the days start to get shorter.
  2. You need to schedule your professional outdoor lighting installation before the ground freezes.
  3. You still have time to show off your gorgeous lawn and landscape before it goes dormant.
  4. Gorgeous fall evenings are just around the corner. Squeeze in a little extra R and R on the deck or patio or around the fire pit or outdoor fireplace.
  5. You don’t want to spend another winter with a dark driveway. You really don’t.

Counteract the shortening of the days by adding outdoor lighting by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis before the short days of winter arrive. Call today to schedule a design consultation. The sooner you start, the sooner your lighting installation can be complete! (763) 317-0827