Grow Your Business with Commercial Outdoor Lighting in St. Paul, MN

Restaurant, retail and hospitality establishments—any business serving customers at night—must implement every action possible to retain existing clientele and draw new customers. Your competition is paying attention to St. Paul outdoor lighting, so you must, too. You need every advantage you can get in today’s competitive market. If your restaurant, bar, cafe or lounge offers an outdoor space for drinks and dining at night, you need to make sure it’s memorable.

  1. ADD outdoor lighting at every possible point outdoors where guests might walk, sit or stand. If you have a courtyard that’s used during the day but not illuminated at night, you are throwing money away by not using the space for an enhanced guest experience. Also, a dark passageway is a liability. Don’t create a situation where you later look back and think, Oh, we should have had lighting there.
  2. UPDATE your outdoor lighting as a cost-effective way to keep your site design fresh. It’s something you can do more often than you might be able to implement costlier plans such as remodeling your space or revamping your interior design. Our lighting designers can custom-design unique lighting solutions for your patio dining or lounge areas, courtyards, rooftops and decks. Sensational outdoor lighting is one way you absolutely need to stand out!
  3. UPGRADE your commercial outdoor lighting if it was installed more than 5 years ago and has not been refreshed. Technology changes and you’ve got to keep up! Today’s LED lighting is so much more energy-efficient than previous halogen or incandescent lighting you’ll save up to 80% on electricity costs for lighting with LED. LED bulbs last a lot longer, too—another cost saver.

Provide Commercial Outdoor Lighting St. Paul Customers Can Rely On

Your guests aren’t thinking about outdoor lighting. They take it for granted, not conscious of doing so. It’s your job to plan for and provide the lighting they need (for safety) and want (for a heightened guest experience). They don’t know they want this, but they respond to it nevertheless! That desire for a premium outdoor dining or lounge experience is what you need to tap into.

  • Dazzle your guests! When you improve the guest experience, word of mouth will boost your profitability.
  • Our outdoor lighting designers can create a look for your business worthy of a magazine cover.
  • You may not realize what a difference great lighting can make. If you don’t have an eye for it, call in the experts: Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis.
  • Don’t take safety for granted; provide your guests enough light to eliminate potential tripping hazards.
  • Use outdoor lighting to deter crime, especially around walkways and parking lots.

Do You Need St. Paul Commercial Outdoor Lighting If You’re Not Open at Night? Yes!

Dining Area LightingReturning to answer “B” in our quiz, above, we are always surprised to encounter a business owner who thinks outdoor lighting isn’t necessary if their business isn’t open at night. This might seem to be the case for some retail stores, service businesses such as insurance agencies and restaurants that only serve breakfast and lunch.

Regardless of your business hours, you want people to know where you are! The day will come when they need your product or service, and it will help if they recall passing your illuminated sign at night. You want to remain top-of-mind. Make sure they see you whenever they pass by, not just when you’re open.

For effective commercial outdoor lighting St. Paul residents will notice, you need more than an illuminated sign, though. If you have any landscaping whatsoever, you need landscape lighting. Architectural lighting can help you get noticed—and be remembered—as well. We don’t want to go overboard; we recommend a tasteful amount of subtle outdoor lighting for attention, safety and security.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis can add that special touch to your business with custom outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting is all we do and we are proud to help local businesses grow and thrive! Call today to schedule a design consultation. The sooner you start, the sooner your lighting installation can be complete! (763) 317-0827