Vic’s on Historic Main St. Gains Nighttime Flair with Minneapolis Market Lighting

Overlooking historic cobblestone Main Street, with views of the Mississippi River, Vic’s Dining is a staple in the old flour milling district of downtown Minneapolis. No stranger amongst its industrial neighbors, Vic’s restaurant offers the cool downtown factory vibe that makes the area a draw for young professionals and evenings out on the town.

With the neighborhood growing fast with new loft style apartments and high demand, Vic’s was ready to up their game by adding a modern vibe to their outdoor eating area. The large wraparound dining patio features fabulous views of the Mississippi River and during good weather is the preferred place to eat. To enhance the enjoyment of the space after sunset, Vic’s contacted us to add nostalgic and timeless market lights above the outdoor dining space.

To add a fun flair for diners, we used the old awning frame which is one of the building’s trademarks, to string commercial quality LED string lights around the entire dining space. Without an awning on the frame, it adds to the industrial/unfinished feeling and provides a perfect host for transformative nighttime restaurant lighting. These LED market lights will withstand the wind and deep freeze of winter and still perform fantastically.

Creating an enjoyable environment is an important complement to excellent food and service. Developing repeat customers and frequent word-of-mouth recommendation can take any restaurant business to the next level.

If your restaurant needs to step up its game to win diners in our increasingly competitive market, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis today. We offer custom outdoor restaurant lighting designs that will help attract new business, keep current diners coming back and improve your restaurant’s bottom line. We look forward to working with you. (763) 317-0827