Professional Year-Round Outdoor String Lights: Keep Them Up & Keep Them On, All Winter!

When you see festive string lights or market lights hanging over a restaurant patio or in a friend’s backyard, you immediately think of summer outdoor living. After all, summer carnivals and fairs, barbecues, and dining on the patio are what they are most commonly known for. But for those who enjoy owning these fun, popular outdoor lights, there may be some concern about snow and ice during the harsh Minnesota winter. While we can’t comment on the durability of lights bought at the local big box store, we can reassure you about our professional-grade LED string lights.

A Little Snow Never Hurt

Our professional quality LED string lights are built and installed to withstand the weather. While of course there are special extreme cases where anything can happen, general snow and light ice should not cause you any issues. In fact, our lights are specifically stunning with the glittering glow they create across a fresh coating of powder. A little bit of ice makes a spectacular reflection, only increasing your enjoyment of the beautiful lightscape. Created for the purpose of summer fun, permanent outdoor string lighting provides you with surprising winter delight.

Minnesota Outdoor Lighting for Winter Outdoor Living

Snowy woodsMany Minnesotans embrace and love winter weather. When lows dip far below zero, the 20’s and 30’s begin to feel balmy and provide a perfect reason to get outside in the snow. Enjoy the fantastic glow of permanent market lighting on your patio this winter. With a fireplace or fire pit and your snow gear on, these lights are a perfect way to extend a day of playing in the snow into the evening and beyond. Grab the marshmallows and hot cocoa and enjoy a winter evening on the patio under the lights of our professional festive lighting.

If you’d love to create a nostalgic and festive feeling on your patio or deck that can stay up all year long, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis today! (763) 317-0827