Long Summer Days are a Perfect Time to Install Minneapolis Outdoor Lighting at Your Home

Are you loving these long summer Minneapolis days? With the official sunset being after 9 pm and total darkness even later, you may be blissfully forgetting the 4:30 pm sunsets that come in winter. While we hate to remind you of those darker winter months, we urge you to remember them, even if only for a moment.

Prepare Now for Long Winter Nights in Minneapolis

Minneapolis outdoor lighting is lovely for year round use. In the summer it allows you to enjoy the warm nights well past sunset on your deck or patio. In the winter, it provides much-needed visibility when the days are very short, and you are driving home from work in the dark (and maybe in the snow).

If you’re not a night owl, you may not think much about outdoor lighting and landscape lighting this time of year. The sun is up before you and you may already be indoors before its light has completely diminished for the day.

As we enter the cooler months of fall, the days will begin to shorten, until at last, it is dark at 4:30 in December on the winter solstice. This gradual change makes it difficult to notice at first, and then all of a sudden, you find yourself battling early sunsets and snowfall all at the same time. Professional outdoor lighting can ease the burden of short days by illuminating your home, driveway, walkways, and outdoor living spaces for increased visibility, safety, and security.

Install Before the Ground Freezes

Don’t wait! If you delay until darkness falls before five and the temperatures struggle to rise out of the teens, you might have to wait until spring. Outdoor lighting installation in Minneapolis is limited to months when the ground is not frozen. We urge you to consider your winter outdoor lighting needs now, before the weather changes and the ground freezes. With the added benefit of enjoying a gorgeous late summer and fall in your backyard after sunset, you’ll be glad you called.  Call today for a lighting design consultation. (763) 317-0827